如何从主(C )访问函数中的值

How to access values within functions from the main (C++)

本文关键字:函数 访问      更新时间:2023-10-16
#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>
using namespace std;
const int MIN_HEIGHT = 3;
const int MIN_WIDTH = 3;
const int MAX_HEIGHT = 20;
const int MAX_WIDTH = 60;
const char H = 'h';
const char W = 'w';
const char B = 'b';
const char F = 'f';
const char Q = 'q';
void drawRectangle(int row, int col, char border, char fill);
void displayChoices();
char getChoice(char h, char w, char b, char f, char q);
int main()
    char border, fill, choice; 
    cout << endl << "Welcome! n"; 
    drawRectangle (10,10, '#','*');
    cout << endl << "Choose from the following: n";
    getChoice(H, W, B, F, Q);
    //drawRectangle();//not sure how to get the changed value from getChoice
    //if height is changed, update height. If width is changed, update width of rect.
    //if border is changed, update rectangle border. If fill is changed, update rectangle fill
//draws rectangle
void drawRectangle(int row, int col, char border, char fill)
    for (int i = 0; i < row; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < col; j++) {
            if ((i == 0) || (i == (row - 1)) || (j == 0) || (j == (col - 1))) {
                cout << border;
            else {
                cout << fill;
        cout << endl;
//diplays users choices between height, width
//border and quit
void displayChoices()
    cout << "h) Change the height.n";
    cout << "w) Change the width.n";
    cout << "b) Change the border character.n";
    cout << "f) Change the fill character.n";
    cout << "q) Quit program.n";   
//takes users choice and asks for the new value or character 
char getChoice(char h, char w, char b, char f, char q) {
    char choice, newBorder, newFill;
    int newHeight, newWidth, count = 0;
    cin >> choice;
    while ((choice != h && choice != w && choice != b && choice != f && choice != q)) {
        cout << "Not a valid choice. Choose again.n";
        cin >> choice;
        if (choice == q)
            return 0;
        else if (choice == h) {
            cout << "Enter new height between " << MIN_HEIGHT << " and " << MAX_HEIGHT << ": n";
            cin >> newHeight;
            while ((newHeight < MIN_HEIGHT) || (newHeight > MAX_HEIGHT)) {
                cout << "That number is not in range. Try again.n";
                cout << "Enter a number between " << MIN_HEIGHT
                    << " and " << MAX_HEIGHT << ": ";
                cin >> newHeight;
            } return newHeight;
        else if (choice == w) {
            cout << "Enter new width  between " << MIN_WIDTH << " and " << MAX_WIDTH << ": n";
            cin >> newWidth;
            while ((newWidth < MIN_WIDTH) || (newWidth > MAX_WIDTH)) {
                cout << "That number is not in range. Try again.n";
                cout << "Enter a number between " << MIN_WIDTH
                    << " and " << MAX_WIDTH << ": ";
                cin >> newWidth;
            } return newWidth;
        else if (choice == b) {
            cout << "Enter new border character: n";
            cin >> newBorder;
            return newBorder;
        else if (choice == f) {
            cout << "Enter new fill character: n";
            cin >> newFill;
            return newFill;

我正在尝试创建一个应用程序来绘制一个矩形,其中用户可以更改矩形的高度,宽度,边框和填充(一次)。我很难理解如何访问/保存用户的输入(更改为矩形)并绘制具有更新值的新矩形。我刚刚学习C ,因此我的代码甚至可能不是解决此问题的正确方法。任何帮助或指导将不胜感激。

我肯定会首先建议您尝试一些较小的程序,如果您是在C 中定义功能的新程序。

您定义为函数getChoice(char, char, char, char, char)的返回类型的类型是char,但是函数中的所有返回值(NewBorder除外)均为类型int,它是不合适的。

实际上,从函数" getChoice"的名称来看,该功能只能返回用户的"选择"而不是进一步发展,并且应在其他地方进行进一步的说明。




#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>
using namespace std;
const int MIN_HEIGHT = 3;
const int MIN_WIDTH = 3;
const int MAX_HEIGHT = 20;
const int MAX_WIDTH = 60;
const char H = 'h';
const char W = 'w';
const char B = 'b';
const char F = 'f';
const char Q = 'q';
void drawRectangle(int row, int col, char border, char fill);
void displayChoices();
char getChoice(char h, char w, char b, char f, char q);
int main()
    char border = '#', fill = '*', choice;
    int newHeight = 0;
    int newWidth = 0;
    char newBorder = (char)0;
    char newFill = (char)0;
    int height = 10, width = 10;
    cout << endl << "Welcome! n";
    while (true)
        drawRectangle(height, width, border, fill);
        cout << endl << "Choose from the following: n";
        choice = getChoice(H, W, B, F, Q);
        //if height is changed, update height. If width is changed, update width of rect.
        //if border is changed, update rectangle border. If fill is changed, update rectangle fill
        switch (choice)
        case Q:
                return 0;
        case H:
                cout << "Enter new height between " << MIN_HEIGHT << " and " << MAX_HEIGHT << ": n";
                cin >> newHeight;
                while ((newHeight < MIN_HEIGHT) || (newHeight > MAX_HEIGHT)) {
                    cout << "That number is not in range. Try again.n";
                    cout << "Enter a number between " << MIN_HEIGHT
                        << " and " << MAX_HEIGHT << ": ";
                    cin >> newHeight;
                height = newHeight;
        case W:
                cout << "Enter new width  between " << MIN_WIDTH << " and " << MAX_WIDTH << ": n";
                cin >> newWidth;
                while ((newWidth < MIN_WIDTH) || (newWidth > MAX_WIDTH)) {
                    cout << "That number is not in range. Try again.n";
                    cout << "Enter a number between " << MIN_WIDTH
                        << " and " << MAX_WIDTH << ": ";
                    cin >> newWidth;
                width = newWidth;
        case B:
                cout << "Enter new border character: n";
                cin >> newBorder;
                border = newBorder;
        case F:
                cout << "Enter new fill character: n";
                cin >> newFill;
                fill = newFill;
    return 0;
//draws rectangle
void drawRectangle(int row, int col, char border, char fill)
    for (int i = 0; i < row; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < col; j++) {
            if ((i == 0) || (i == (row - 1)) || (j == 0) || (j == (col - 1))) {
                cout << border;
            else {
                cout << fill;
        cout << endl;
//diplays users choices between height, width
//border and quit
void displayChoices()
    cout << "h) Change the height.n";
    cout << "w) Change the width.n";
    cout << "b) Change the border character.n";
    cout << "f) Change the fill character.n";
    cout << "q) Quit program.n";
//takes users choice and asks for the new value or character 
char getChoice(char h, char w, char b, char f, char q) {
    char choice, newBorder, newFill;
    int newHeight, newWidth, count = 0;
    cin >> choice;
    while ((choice != h && choice != w && choice != b && choice != f && choice != q)) {
        cout << "Not a valid choice. Choose again.n";
        cin >> choice;
    return choice;

