
trampoline from lambda to a template function pointer

本文关键字:指针 功能 lambda      更新时间:2023-10-16


// Hypothetical asynchronous C library call
typedef void (*future_cb)(void* data);
void call_in_the_future(future_cb cb, void* data) {
struct Mine { /* For sake of the example */ };
struct Wrapper {
  Wrapper() : ptr_(nullptr) { }
  template <typename DataType>
  void run(void (*cb)(Wrapper* wrap, DataType other), DataType ptr) {
    auto lcb = [](void* data) {
      Wrapper* wrap = static_cast<Wrapper*>(data);
      DataType other = static_cast<DataType>(wrap->ptr_);
      /***** Compiler error here *****/
      cb(wrap, other);
    ptr_ = ptr;
    // Call the hypothetical asynchronous C library function.
    call_in_the_future(lcb, this);
  void* ptr_;
// Looking to store each type and cast them for this callback.
static void wrapper_cb(Wrapper* wrap, Mine* me) { }
int main() {
  Mine* me = new Mine();
  Wrapper* wrap = new Wrapper();
  wrap->run(wrapper_cb, me);


main5.cc:19:7: error: variable 'cb' cannot be implicitly captured in a lambda with no capture-default specified
      cb(wrap, other);
main5.cc:13:19: note: 'cb' declared here
  void run(void (*cb)(Wrapper* wrap, DataType other), DataType ptr) {
main5.cc:14:16: note: lambda expression begins here
    auto lcb = [](void* data) {
main5.cc:19:7: error: variable 'cb' cannot be implicitly captured in a lambda with no capture-default specified
      cb(wrap, other);
main5.cc:37:9: note: in instantiation of function template specialization 'Wrapper::run<Mine *>' requested here
  wrap->run(wrapper_cb, me);
main5.cc:13:19: note: 'cb' declared here
  void run(void (*cb)(Wrapper* wrap, DataType other), DataType ptr) {
main5.cc:14:16: note: lambda expression begins here
    auto lcb = [](void* data) {
2 errors generated.


error: no matching function for call to 'call_in_the_future'


您的捕获列表为空。 cb未传递到lambda。因此无法使用。

auto lcb = [](void* data) {
  Wrapper* wrap = static_cast<Wrapper*>(data);
  DataType other = static_cast<DataType>(wrap->ptr_);
  /***** Compiler error here *****/
  cb(wrap, other);



c lambda带有捕获作为功能指针将lambda作为功能指针



struct Wrapper {
    template <typename DataType>
    void run(void (*cb)(Wrapper*, DataType*), DataType* ptr) {
        auto lcb = [](void* userdata) {
            Wrapper* wrap = static_cast<Wrapper*>(userdata);
            auto* cb = reinterpret_cast<void(*)(Wrapper*, DataType*)>(wrap->cb_);
            DataType* other = static_cast<DataType*>(wrap->ptr_);
            cb(wrap, other);
        cb_ = reinterpret_cast<void(*)()>(cb);
        ptr_ = ptr;
        // Call the hypothetical asynchronous C library function.
        call_in_the_future(lcb, this);
    void (*cb_)() = nullptr; // Cannot use void* to erase type of function pointer
    void* ptr_ = nullptr;


class Wrapper {
    class IFunc
        virtual ~IFunc() =  default;
        virtual void Call() const = 0;
    template <typename DataType>
    struct Func : IFunc
        Func(void (*cb)(Wrapper*, DataType*), DataType* ptr, Wrapper* wrapper) :
            cb(cb), ptr(ptr), wrap(wrapper) {}
        void Call() const override { cb(wrap, ptr); }
        static void CallFromVoidP(void* that)
        void (*cb)(Wrapper*, DataType*);
        DataType* ptr;
        Wrapper* wrap;
    template <typename DataType>
    void run(void (*cb)(Wrapper*, DataType*), DataType* ptr) {
        func = std::make_unique<Func<DataType>>(cb, ptr, this);
        // Call the hypothetical asynchronous C library function.
        call_in_the_future(&Func<DataType>::CallFromVoidP, func.get());
    std::unique_ptr<IFunc> func;