函数不会返回返回c 的内容

Function does not return what is suppossed to return- c++

本文关键字:返回 函数      更新时间:2023-10-16

我正在处理一个问题,这与C 中的动态分配有关。我有以下功能来计算信号的RM

void FindRMS(int points, double* signal_x, double* signal_y, int presamples, double* mean, double* rms)
    //double fraction_presamples_RMS = 0.9; // fraction of presamples to calculate RMS
  //Safety condition
  if (presamples>points) {
    printf("nERROR: Too many presamples!nn");
  //Main procedure
  (*rms)  =0.;  
  (*mean) =0.;
  for (int i=0; i<presamples; i++) {
    cout << "RMS was found to be : " << (*rms) << endl;

首先,如果我正确理解,double* <var>意味着该参数将被动态定义,这意味着其大小将受到硬件的限制。


void Analyze(unsigned int first_run, unsigned int last_run, unsigned int last-segment){
    int points = 9e6;//hSignal->GetNbinsX();
//double x[points], y[points], derivative[points]; // SIZE limited by COMPILER to the size of the stack frame
    double* x          = new double[points];           // SIZE limited only by OS/Hardware
    double* y          = new double[points];
    double* derivative = new double[points];
    double* mean       = new double[points];
    double* rms        = new double[points];
    for (int i = 0; i < points; i++){
        x[i] = hSignal->GetBinLowEdge(i+1);
        y[i] = hSignal->GetBinContent(i+1);
        //cout << " Bin Center " << hSignal->GetBinLowEdge(2) << endl;
    FindRMS(points, x, y, 0.9*points, mean, rms);
    delete[] x;
    delete[] y;
    delete[] mean;
    cout << "The value of rms[10] = " << rms[10] << endl;





double* FindRMS(int points, double* signal_x, double* signal_y, int presamples, double* mean, double* rms)
    //double fraction_presamples_RMS = 0.9; // fraction of presamples to calculate RMS
  //Safety condition
  if (presamples>points) {
    printf("nERROR: Too many presamples!nn");
  //Main procedure
  (*rms)  =0.;  
  (*mean) =0.;
  for (int i=0; i<presamples; i++) {
    cout << "RMS was found to be : " << (*rms) << endl;
    return rms;
