C :使用Visual Studio编译器时const Pointers

C++: const pointers when using Visual Studio compiler

本文关键字:const Pointers 编译器 Studio 使用 Visual      更新时间:2023-10-16

我对Visual Studio的C 编译器2012。


char s1[5] = "new";
char s2[5] = "old";
char const* p = s1;   
p++;                  // should fail
p = s2;               // this line should also fail;


没有原因这些行应该失败。也许您将char const*char * const混淆。在第一种情况下,char S为const。第二个指针是const。在您的代码中,由于指针不是const,因此可以同时执行p++p = s2;

记住规则:" const适用于左侧,除非没有任何东西,在这种情况下,它适用于右边。"

const int x;      // constant int
x = 2;            // illegal - can't modify x
const int* pX;    // changeable pointer to constant int
*pX = 3;          // illegal -  can't use pX to modify an int
pX = &someOtherIntVar;      // legal - pX can point somewhere else
int* const pY;              // constant pointer to changeable int
*pY = 4;                    // legal - can use pY to modify an int
pY = &someOtherIntVar;      // illegal - can't make pY point anywhere else
const int* const pZ;        // const pointer to const int
*pZ = 5;                    // illegal - can't use pZ to modify an int
pZ = &someOtherIntVar;      // illegal - can't make pZ point anywhere else


您认为增量应该不起作用,因为它是const char*。但是,这里的const指定无法修改的内容。并不是可以修改指针。


char s1[5] = "new";
char s2[5] = "old";
char const* const p = s1;
p++;                  // should not compile
p = s2; 

C const预选赛适用于左侧的左侧。否则,它适用于右侧的内容。
