Matlab Coder and Arduino IDE emxCreateWrapper_real_T

Matlab Coder and Arduino IDE emxCreateWrapper_real_T

本文关键字:real emxCreateWrapper IDE Coder and Arduino Matlab      更新时间:2023-10-16

我在Matlab中构建了一个神经网络,并创建了一个使用NN的函数。我从该函数生成C++代码,以便在我的Arduino Yun上使用它。

在Arduino IDE中,我首先编写了 #include"NeuralNetwork.h",编译没有问题,但我不确定如何从matlab编码器调用生成的函数。函数标头为

void NeuralNetwork(const emxArray_real_T *Data, double activity_data[], int
               activity_size[2], double *percent)

emxArray_real_T什么类型的数据?在 Matlab 数据中是一个 inf x 5 矩阵。

在这里,我找到了一些使用emxCreateWrapper_real_T函数的功能,但是如果我在Arduino IDE中使用此功能,则只会收到错误:

'emxCreateWrapper_real_T' was not declared in this scope
   input = emxCreateWrapper_real_T(input_d,5,6);

我在从 matlab 编码器创建的任何文件中都找不到这样的功能,我在哪里可以找到它?

我正在使用 Matlab R2016a。


void loop() {
  //input data are samples from a 3D Accelerometer
  double input [6][5] = { {30.38,0.584,0.106,0.253,1},  //walking
                          {30.4,0.772,0.059,0.461,1},   //walkinh
                          {1.98,0.026,0.13,1.031,2},    //sitting
                          {2.0,0.01,0.102,1.03,2},      //sitting
                          {5.0,-1.135,0.035,0.099,3},   //standing
                          {5.02,-1.14,0.039,0.09,3}};   //standing
 //emxArray_real_T *input;
  double activity[6];     //output from NN
  double percent = 0;     //amound of recognized data
  int act_size[2];        //???
  print_inp(input);     //just prints the input array to the serial interface
 // input = emxCreateWrapper_real_T(input,5,6);






#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include "arcl3d.h"
#include "arcl3d_initialize.h"
#include "arcl3d_terminate.h"
#include "arcl3d_emxAPI.h"
#include "arcl3d_emxutil.h" 





谢谢,我找到了一个名为"_coder_NeuralNetwork_api.c"的文件和一个头文件。在头文件中声明了结构emxArray_real_T,但在 .c 文件中没有emxCreateWrapper_real_T函数,但我发现:

static void emxInit_real_T(const emlrtStack *sp, emxArray_real_T **pEmxArray,
  int32_T numDimensions, boolean_T doPush)
  emxArray_real_T *emxArray;
  int32_T i;
  *pEmxArray = (emxArray_real_T *)emlrtMallocMex(sizeof(emxArray_real_T));
  if (doPush) {
    emlrtPushHeapReferenceStackR2012b(sp, (void *)pEmxArray, (void (*)(void *))
  emxArray = *pEmxArray;
  emxArray->data = (real_T *)NULL;
  emxArray->numDimensions = numDimensions;
  emxArray->size = (int32_T *)emlrtMallocMex((uint32_T)(sizeof(int32_T)
    * numDimensions));
  emxArray->allocatedSize = 0;
  emxArray->canFreeData = true;
  for (i = 0; i < numDimensions; i++) {
    emxArray->size[i] = 0;


但还有下一个问题。包含头文件的另一个名为"_coder_NeuralNetwork_mex.h"的.h包含在内,并且需要一个"mex.h",但 matlab 编码器没有创建这样的文件。


/* Include Files */
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "tmwtypes.h"
#include "mex.h"
#include "emlrt.h"
#include "_coder_NeuralNetwork_api.h"
/* Function Declarations */
extern void mexFunction(int32_T nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int32_T nrhs, const
  mxArray *prhs[]);
extern emlrtCTX mexFunctionCreateRootTLS(void);

我不知道我是否必须使用这些文件,因为它们是在 matlab 编码器的分离文件夹中创建的。


// Academic License - for use in teaching, academic research, and meeting
// course requirements at degree granting institutions only.  Not for
// government, commercial, or other organizational use.
// File: main.cpp
// MATLAB Coder version            : 3.1
// C/C++ source code generated on  : 07-Jun-2016 19:17:39
// This automatically generated example C main file shows how to call
// entry-point functions that MATLAB Coder generated. You must customize
// this file for your application. Do not modify this file directly.
// Instead, make a copy of this file, modify it, and integrate it into
// your development environment.
// This file initializes entry-point function arguments to a default
// size and value before calling the entry-point functions. It does
// not store or use any values returned from the entry-point functions.
// If necessary, it does pre-allocate memory for returned values.
// You can use this file as a starting point for a main function that
// you can deploy in your application.
// After you copy the file, and before you deploy it, you must make the
// following changes:
// * For variable-size function arguments, change the example sizes to
// the sizes that your application requires.
// * Change the example values of function arguments to the values that
// your application requires.
// * If the entry-point functions return values, store these values or
// otherwise use them as required by your application.
// Include Files
#include "rt_nonfinite.h"
#include "NeuralNetwork.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "NeuralNetwork_terminate.h"
#include "NeuralNetwork_emxAPI.h"
#include "NeuralNetwork_initialize.h"
// Function Declarations
static emxArray_real_T *argInit_d7351x5_real_T();
static double argInit_real_T();
static void main_NeuralNetwork();
// Function Definitions
// Arguments    : void
// Return Type  : emxArray_real_T *
static emxArray_real_T *argInit_d7351x5_real_T()
  emxArray_real_T *result;
  static int iv0[2] = { 2, 5 };
  int idx0;
  int idx1;
  // Set the size of the array.
  // Change this size to the value that the application requires.
  result = emxCreateND_real_T(2, *(int (*)[2])&iv0[0]);
  // Loop over the array to initialize each element.
  for (idx0 = 0; idx0 < result->size[0UL]; idx0++) {
    for (idx1 = 0; idx1 < 5; idx1++) {
      // Set the value of the array element.
      // Change this value to the value that the application requires.
      result->data[idx0 + result->size[0] * idx1] = argInit_real_T();
  return result;
// Arguments    : void
// Return Type  : double
static double argInit_real_T()
  return 0.0;
// Arguments    : void
// Return Type  : void
static void main_NeuralNetwork()
  emxArray_real_T *Data;
  double activity_data[7351];
  int activity_size[2];
  double percent;
  // Initialize function 'NeuralNetwork' input arguments.
  // Initialize function input argument 'Data'.
  Data = argInit_d7351x5_real_T();
  // Call the entry-point 'NeuralNetwork'.
  NeuralNetwork(Data, activity_data, activity_size, &percent);
// Arguments    : int argc
//                const char * const argv[]
// Return Type  : int
int main(int, const char * const [])
  // Initialize the application.
  // You do not need to do this more than one time.
  // Invoke the entry-point functions.
  // You can call entry-point functions multiple times.
  // Terminate the application.
  // You do not need to do this more than one time.
  return 0;
// File trailer for main.cpp
// [EOF]

但是我不确定如何使用函数"静态emxArray_real_T *argInit_d7351x5_real_T()",它说将大小更改为应用程序所需的值,但我必须更改什么?例如,我想使用 10x5 数组,我是否必须将 iv0[] 中的第一个值更改为 10???要获取输入值(在我的第一篇文章中,变量input[][]),如果我在该函数中创建该变量或作为全局变量,我可以将"argInit_real_T()"的函数调用替换为input[idx0][idx1]吗?