调试断言失败 BLOCK_TYPE_IS_VALID (pHead->nblockuse) 从解构函数

Debug assertion failed BLOCK_TYPE_IS_VALID(pHead->nblockuse) from Deconstructor

本文关键字:nblockuse gt 函数 pHead- BLOCK 失败 断言 TYPE IS VALID 调试      更新时间:2023-10-16

我现在很迷茫。 我做了一个向量类。 一切都按照我希望的方式工作,直到最后。 调用析构函数时,我收到一条错误消息:调试断言失败BLOCK_TYPE_IS_VALID(pHead->nblockuse)。 我在SO上看到过很多这样的问题,但是我尝试过的方法都没有奏效。

.h. 的一部分

    int* _myArray;
    int _size;
    int _capacity;
#include "File.h"
 const string RETURN_CARRIAGE_STR = "n";
 const string SIZE_STR = "Size ";
 const string CAPACITY_STR = "Capacity ";
 const int INITIAL_CAPACITY = 2;
 int main(void)
cout << "nCreating a vector Sam of size 4.";
MyVector sam( 4 );
cout << "nPush 12 values into the vector.";
for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
cout << "nHere is sam: ";
cout << sam;
cout << "n---------------n";
    cout << "nCreating a vector Joe of size 4.";
MyVector joe( 4 );
cout << "nPush 6 values into the vector.";
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
    joe.push_back(i * 3);
cout << "nHere is joe: ";
cout << joe;
cout << "n---------------n";
cout << "nTest the overloaded assignment operator "joe = sam": ";
joe = sam;

cout << "nHere is sam: ";
cout << sam;
cout << "n---------------n";
cout << "nHere is joe: ";
cout << joe;
cout << "n---------------n";
// pass a copy of sam by value
cout << endl;
 void PrintV(MyVector v)
cout << "n--------------------n";
cout << "Printing a copy of a vectorn";
cout << v;
 // Default Constructor
_myArray = new int[INITIAL_CAPACITY];
_size = 0;
//cout << "Default Constructor" << endl;
 MyVector::MyVector(int aSize)
_myArray = new int[aSize];
_size = 0;
_capacity = aSize;
//cout << "Parameterized Constructor" << endl;
if(_myArray != NULL)
    delete[] this->_myArray; //  --------------This is where I get an error
    this->_myArray = NULL;
//cout << "Destructor" << endl;

 int MyVector::GetSize()
return _size;
//cout << " size";
 int MyVector::GetCapacity()
return _capacity;
//cout << _capacity << " capacity" << endl;
 void MyVector::Clear()
int* resize_arr = new int[INITIAL_CAPACITY];
delete[] _myArray;
_myArray = resize_arr;
_capacity = INITIAL_CAPACITY - 1;
_size = 0;
 void MyVector::push_back(int newValue)
if(_size < _capacity)
    _myArray[_size] = newValue;
else  {
    int* resize_arr = new int[_capacity*2];
    for(int i = 0; i <= _size; i++)
        resize_arr[i] = _myArray[i];
    resize_arr[_size] = newValue;
    delete[] _myArray;
    _myArray = resize_arr;
    _capacity = _capacity * 2;
//cout << _size << " size" << endl;
 int MyVector::at(int idx)
return _myArray[idx];
//cout << _myArray[idx] << " value at index" << endl;
 ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, MyVector& vec)
ostringstream convert;
ostringstream convertCap;
convert << vec.GetSize();
string sizeConverted = convert.str();
convertCap << vec.GetCapacity();
string capConverted = convertCap.str();
string firstTemp = "";
firstTemp = SIZE_STR + sizeConverted  + RETURN_CARRIAGE_STR + CAPACITY_STR + capConverted + RETURN_CARRIAGE_STR;
for(int idx = 0; idx < vec.GetSize(); idx++)
    string secondTemp = "";
    ostringstream convertSize;
    convertSize << vec.at(idx);
    string vecAtIdx = convertSize.str();
    secondTemp = vecAtIdx + RETURN_CARRIAGE_STR;
    cout << secondTemp;
os <<  firstTemp;
return os;
 MyVector& MyVector::operator=(MyVector& setterVect)
delete [] _myArray;
//MyVector* mPtr = new MyVector();
_myArray = setterVect._myArray;
_capacity = setterVect._capacity;
_size = setterVect._size;
return *this;
_myArray = setterVect._myArray;

复制赋值运算符已损坏。在该运算符之后,两个实例具有相同的 _myArray 值。因此,一旦一个被破坏,另一个就会留下一个指向不再存在的东西的指针。


该错误意味着堆损坏。 有很多方法可以破坏堆。就像大卫上面解释的那样,释放一大块内存然后写入它是一种方式。

大多数堆在内存块之前和之后存储一些字节的簿记信息。 如果代码行为异常并更改堆数据,则会收到此类错误。