C++动态 2D 阵列

C++ dynamic 2D array

本文关键字:阵列 2D 动态 C++      更新时间:2023-10-16

我使用以下代码来创建动态 2D 数组。

uint32_t** arrays = new uint32_t*[10]; 
uint32_t number = take input from console ;
arrays[0] = new uint32_t[number];
number = take input from console ;
arrays[1] = new uint32_t[number];
delete arrays[0] ;
number = take input from console ;
arrays[0] = new uint32_t[number] ;



编辑:另外,为什么不只使用vector< vector< uint32_t > > arrays;

std::vector<std::valarray<uint32_t> >也可能是一种替代方案。假设您的控制台程序将进行某种计算,那么相当未知的std::valarray将是一个很好的伴侣。

请注意风险,用户提供的大小值可能会导致std::bad_alloc异常,因此您至少可以将分配放入 try/catch 块中。


//Disclaimer: below code has never been tested and is rather about how to do such stuff in general,
//regardless of the few bytes gained for sacrificing CPU cycles.
#include <vector>
#include <valarray>
#include <numeric>
#include <cassert>
#include <exception>
void app(void)
    std::vector<size_t> sizes;
    std::valarray<uint32_t> data;
        //collect N user defined sub-vector size values in 'sizes'
        size_t totalNumberOfValues = std::accumulate(sizes.begin(),sizes.end(),0u);
    catch(std::bad_alloc& e)
        //handle error
    //accessing the minor/sub-vectors using the size values requires accumulation of adjacent size values of preceding sub-vectors.    
    //of course, these offsets could also be pre-computed.
    size_t subVectorIndex /*...*/; //needs to be checked!
    assert(subVectorIndex < sizes.size());
    size_t subVectorSize = sizes[subVectorIndex];
    size_t subVectorOffset = std::accumulate(sizes.begin(),sizes.begin()+subVectorIndex,0u);
    //do NOT reallocate 'data' while twiddling around with pointers!
    uint32_t* subVectorData = &data[subVectorOffset];
    //well, using neat stuff like std::slice, std::gslice etc. is up to you now ;-)
