
How to find the average of user inputs

本文关键字:平均值 输入 用户 何找      更新时间:2023-10-16


int main() {
float program = 0;
float scores = 0;
float test = 0;
float testScores = 0;
float e = 1;
float exam = 0;
float programAverage = 0;
cout << "Enter the number of assignments that were graded: ";
cin >> program;
for (int i = 1; i <= program; i++){
  cout << "Enter the score for assignment # " << i <<": "; cin >> scores;
  cout << "Enter the number of test: ";
  cin >> test;
for (int e = 1; e <= test; e++){
  cout << "Enter the score for test # " << e << ": "; cin >> testScores;
  cout << "Enter the final exam score: ";
  cin >> exam;
  programAverage = (scores/program);
  cout << "Program Average: " << programAverage << endl;


int main() {
float program = 0;
float scores = 0;
float test = 0;
float testScores = 0;
float e = 1;
float exam = 0;
float programAverage = 0;
float scoresSum = 0; // variable that adds up all the input scores
cout << "Enter the number of assignments that were graded: ";
cin >> program;
for (int i = 1; i <= program; i++){
  cout << "Enter the score for assignment # " << i <<": "; cin >> scores;
  scoresSum += scores; // adds up all the scores

  cout << "Enter the number of test: ";
  cin >> test;
for (int e = 1; e <= test; e++){
  cout << "Enter the score for test # " << e << ": "; cin >> testScores;
  cout << "Enter the final exam score: ";
  cin >> exam;
  programAverage = (scoresSum/program); // divide the total score out of program number
  cout << "Program Average: " << programAverage << endl;

所以问题是你没有把输入分数加起来。变量"scores"只有最后一个输入分数的值。您必须设置一个变量来汇总到目前为止的所有输入分数,例如代码中的 scoresSum。并在每次提交分数时将分数相加。


float _sum=0;
for (int i = 1; i <= program; i++){
  cout << "Enter the score for assignment # " << i <<": "; cin >> scores;
  programAverage = (_sum/program);
  cout << "Program Average: " << programAverage << endl;


for (int i = 1; i <= program; i++){
  cout << "Enter the score for assignment # " << i <<": "; cin >> scores;

平均值定义为总和除以实例数。您不是求和,只是在执行cin >> scores时不断用最后一个读取值覆盖"分数"。因此,问题可以重述为"我如何对用户输入的所有数字求和?计算机完全按照您的指示进行操作,您需要弄清楚如何准确地告诉它以汇总所有输入的scores


double sum = 0.0;

然后在"cout <<"输入分数......"的行之后。您加到总和:

sum = sum + scores;


sum += scores