
Matrix largest product of n numbers in a row

本文关键字:数字      更新时间:2023-10-16

您好,我在尝试编写一个小程序时遇到了麻烦。问题是,如果我给出了任何矩阵大小(在此示例中只能说一个4x4),请连续找到最大的n个数字产品(假设n = 3)。一行的3个数字可以是水平,垂直或对角线。所以这是一个矩阵:

1 1 2 5
1 5 2 4
1 7 2 3
1 8 2 1


版本,使用滚动乘法在行中找到最大产品以节省一些资源。此滚动过程意味着我们不必乘以n值即可找到这些n值的每个产品,但是我们只需要做一个乘法和一个一个 discriplication:

if (currN == N) { // compute full product first time
    while (currn) {
         product *= (*it3++);
 } else {          // rolling computation
     product *= (*(it3 + n - 1)) / (*(it3 - 1));
     it3 += n;



#include <cstdio>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
typedef vector< vector< int> > Matrix;
typedef Matrix::iterator outIt;
typedef vector< int>::iterator inIt;
void fillMatrix( Matrix& matrix) {
    outIt it = matrix.begin();
    (*it).push_back( 1);
    (*it).push_back( 1);
    (*it).push_back( 2);
    (*it).push_back( 5);
    (*it).push_back( 1);
    (*it).push_back( 5);
    (*it).push_back( 2);
    (*it).push_back( 4);
    (*it).push_back( 1);
    (*it).push_back( 7);
    (*it).push_back( 2);
    (*it).push_back( 3);
    (*it).push_back( 1);
    (*it).push_back( 8);
    (*it).push_back( 2);
    (*it).push_back( 1);


void printMatrix( Matrix& matrix) {
    outIt it = matrix.begin();
    while ( it != matrix.end()) {
        inIt it2 = (*it).begin();
        while ( it2 != (*it).end()) {
            printf( "%d", *it2);
        printf( "n");
 * @param matrix
 * Largest product in row using rolling multiplication
 * @param n number of factors
 * @param v factors of largest product
 * @return largest product
int largestProductInRow( Matrix& matrix, int n, vector< int>& v) {
    if ( n > matrix.size()) return -1;
    int res = 0;
    int N = matrix.size() - n + 1; // number of products in row (or column)
    /* search in rows */
    outIt it = matrix.begin();
    while (it != matrix.end()) {
        inIt it2 = (*it).begin();
        int currN = N;
        int product = 1;
        while (currN) {       // rolling product calculation
            inIt it3 = it2;
            int currn = n;
            if (currN == N) { // compute full product first time
                while (currn) {
                    product *= (*it3++);
            } else {          // rolling computation
                product *= (*(it3 + n - 1)) / (*(it3 - 1));
                it3 += n;
            if (product > res) {
                res = product;
                copy(it3 - n, it3, v.begin());
    return res;


int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    Matrix matrix( 4, vector< int>());
    fillMatrix( matrix);
    printMatrix( matrix);
    vector< int> v(3);
    int res = largestProductInRow( matrix, 3, v);
    printf( "res:%dn", res);
    copy( v.begin(), v.end(), ostream_iterator<int>(cout, ","));
    return 0;





,假设我们有s x t矩阵(s列和t行)。

int res = 0;
if(s >= n)
    for (int r = 0; r < t; ++r) // for each row
        for (int i = 0; i <= s-n; ++i)  //moving through the row
            int mul = m[i][0];
            for (int j = 1; j < n; ++j) //calculating product in a row
            if(mul > res)
                res = mul;
                //save i, j here if needed

if(t >= n)
    for (int c = 0; c < s; ++c) // for each column
        for (int i = 0; i <= t-n; ++i)  //moving through the column
            int mul = m[0][i];
            for (int j = 1; j < n; ++j) //calculating product in a column
            if(mul > res)
                res = mul;
                //save i, j here if needed

如果您坚持蛮力,那么如您所说,您需要在所有[x,y]上迭代,这将是行的起点。通过这些,您可以在各个方向上迭代k相邻元素。您可以将说明作为向量存储在数组中。这将在O(k n^2)中运行。

对于n x n矩阵,并在行中寻找k元素,类似C的伪代码看起来像这样(请注意,为简单起见,没有界限检查):

// define an array of directions as [x,y] unit vectors
// you only need to check in 4 directions, other 4 are the same, just reversed
int[4][2] dirs = {{1,0}, {1,1}, {0,1}, {-1,1}};
// iterate over all starting positions
for (x = 0; x < n; ++x) {
    for (y = 0; y < n; ++y) {
        // iterate over all directions
        for (d = 0; d < 4; ++d) {
            result = 1;
            // iterate over elements in row starting at [x,y]
            // going in direction dirs[d]
            for (i = 0; i < k; ++i) {
                // multiply current result by the element,
                // which is i places far from the beginning [x,y]
                // in the direction pointed by dirs[d]
                new_x = x + i * dirs[d][0];
                new_y = y + i * dirs[d][1];
                // you need to check the bounds, i'm not writing it here
                // if new_x or new_y are outside of the matrix
                // then continue with next direction
                result *= matrix[new_x][new_y];
            if (result > max) {
                max = result;


步行时,您将产品保留,将其乘以您所需要的数字,然后除以在k步骤前的数字。这样,当然有一些范围检查,该产品始终是最后一个k数字的产品,因此,如果当前产品大于最大,只需让max = product。这总是在O(n^2)中运行。