Char to Int - C++

Char to Int - C++

本文关键字:C++ Int to Char      更新时间:2023-10-16



struct List {
    char title [101];
    char text  [501];
    int cont; //code of the note.
    struct List* next;
};typedef List list;

我陷入了选择点,如果用户类型a *它必须返回所有注释,如果用户类型A号码必须仅返回相应的注释。


List* select (List *l, int v) {
   List *p = l;
   for (p = l; p != NULL; p = p -> next){
        if( p -> cont == v){
        cout << "nTitle: " << p -> title << "n";
        cout << "Text: " << p -> text <<  "n";
        cout << "Code: " << p -> cont << "n" << "n";






string str;
cin >> str;


if (str == "*")
    // print out all notes

否则,尝试使用strtol Too将字符串转换为数字。strtol给出了比ATOL更好的错误检查,因为它告诉您整个字符串是否已转换,如果没有转换,您可以去哪里。

char * endp; 
long code;
code =  strtol(str.c_str(), // the string converted to characters
               &endp, // where in the string the number ended. 
               10); // the base of the number, base 10 in this case for       
                    // decimal. 16 if you want to input in hex. 
                    // Unlikely in this case.
if (*endp == '') // If the number didn't end didn't end at the end 
                   // of the string, the number is invalid
    // print note for code

strtol(str.c_str(), &endp, 10);和测试endp的快速注释。


基于旧的或错误的数据,上述警告是不正确的。谢谢 @tamásszabó。使未来的代码写作更简单。

no std ::字符串版本几乎相同:

char str[64]; // allocate storage for a big number. 
cin.get(str, sizeof(str)); // read up to size of string -1 and null terminate
if ((str[0] == '*') && (str[1] == ''))
                   // first character in string is '*' and there 
                   // is no second character
    // print out all notes
    char * endp; 
    long code;
    code =  strtol(str, 
    if (*endp == '')  //this time endp will be valid 
        // print note for code


char buf[10]; // Assuming that you won't have more than 10 characters in your number
char *endp;
cin >> buf; // This may cause you problems if the input string is more than 9 characters long!


if ( (buf[0] == '*') && (buf[1] == '') )
 // Print all your notes here
code =  strtol(but, // the string converted to characters
               &endp, // where in the string the number ended. 
               10); // the base of the number, base 10 in this case for       
                    // decimal. 16 if you want to input in hex. 
                    // Unlikely in this case.
if (*endp == '') // If the number didn't end didn't end at the end 
                   // of the string, the number is invalid
    // print note for code