
In a template class, how to handle unspecified arrays of objects of a base class?

本文关键字:基类 处理 未指定 数组 对象 何处理      更新时间:2023-10-16


class Base;
template <typename T>
class Foo : public Base {
    T mValue;
    std::vector<Base> mFooVector;   // the idea is to have Foo<T> elements
                                    // of several T types
    T value() {
        return mValue;
    void SetValueFromVector() {
        mValue = Transform( mFooVector );
        // to give you an idea of what awaits below
    T Transform( std::vector<Base> ) {
        // Question deals with what I want to do here
class Base{
    // here, how to declare a virtual or template 'value()'
    // that could be instantiated or specialized within Foo?
    // Or should I declare a public 'mValue' of some type?
    // (see below)

Transform中,我想从" mfoovector"的所有元素中调用value(),可以在各种类型的关联中安排。在其他地方定义的功能将处理所有可能的实际情况。但是仍然存在一个问题,即如何从声明为Base类实例的对象访问value()或访问mValue

我昨天问了一个问题,这只是我的研究的开始 - 问题不再是容器,因为我使用了多态性,而是我需要在其中包含的情况下调用value()功能的事实。


class Base {
   virtual void setValue( &int ) =0;
   virtual void setValue( &float ) =0;
   virtual void setValue( &double ) =0;
template <typename T>
class Foo : public Base {
    T mValue;
    std::vector<Base*> mFooVector;
    T Transform( std::vector<Base*> );
    // this is for use from outside the class
    T value() {
       return mValue;
    void SetValueFromVector() {
       mValue = Transform( mFooVector );
    // the three below are only going to be used within 'Transform'
    void setValue( int& i ) { i = mValue; }
    void setValue( float& f ) { f = (float) mValue; }
    void setValue( double& d ) { d = (double) mValue; }
// specialization of Transform
int Foo<int>::Transform( std::vector<Base*> v )
    // here I only use setValue functions
    // if for example I know that first v element is 'float'
    float val;
    v[0]->setValue( val );
    return 3*int(val);
// and etc.

我假设您知道所有可能的价值类型,假设它们是 int/float/...,那么您的基类必须(通过纯虚拟方法)才能添加到任何值中类型:

class Base {
  virtual ~Base() {}
  virtual void addTo(int& value) = 0;
  virtual void addTo(long& value) = 0;
  virtual void addTo(float& value) = 0;
  virtual void addTo(double& value) = 0;
  // add as many functions as you need and of types you need in your design
  // these types not necessarily must be simple basic types
template <class Type> 
class Foo : public Base {
    T Transform( std::vector<Base> ) {
        T retVal = T();
        // Question deals with what I want to do here
        for (auto it = mFooVector.begin(); it != mFooVector.end(); ++i)
        return retVal;
  // and the base interface implementation 
  // (for other types implementation does not need to be some simple)
  virtual void addTo(int& value) { value += mValue; }
  virtual void addTo(long& value) { value += mValue; }
  virtual void addTo(float& value) { value += mValue; }
  virtual void addTo(double& value) { value += mValue; }
  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Base>> mFooVector;
  // you can here ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ use simple Base* pointer but must 
  // then define d-tor, copy c-tor and assignment operator
  T mValue;  