
Return values from one of two columns, or skip every other element in an array?

本文关键字:数组 元素 其他 两个 返回值      更新时间:2023-10-16


//  Hours     Pay Rate
    40.0       10.00
    38.5        9.50
    16.0        7.50
    42.5        8.25
    22.5        9.50
    40.0        8.00
    38.0        8.00
    40.0        9.00
    44.0       11.75


使用 fstream ifstream 对象和提取操作员。

std::ifstream fin(YourFilenameHere);
double hours, rate;
fin >> hours >> rate;


// "hours" and "payRate" might as well be class members, depending
// on your design.
vector<float> hours;
vector<float> payRate;
std::ifstream in(fileName.c_str());
string line;
while (std::getline(in, line)) {
  // Assuming they are separated in the file by a tab, this is not clear from your question.
  size_t indexOfTab = line.find('t');
  hours.push_back(atof(line.substr(0. indexOfTab).c_str());
  payRate.push_back(atof(line.substr(indexOfTab +1).c_str()));
