C++ 牙签计划

C++ Toothpicks program

本文关键字:计划 C++      更新时间:2023-10-16


#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
int main()
int toothpicks = 23, human, comp;

cout<<"TOOTHPICKS!!!!!" <<endl;
while (toothpicks >0)
    cout<<"Human, take your toothpick(s)! But only between 1 and 3 toothpick(s), Thanks! ";
    toothpicks = toothpicks - human;
    cout<<toothpicks <<" toothpick(s) remaining" <<endl;
    if (toothpicks = 0)
        cout<<"Human! You have prevailed!"<<endl;
    if (toothpicks >4)
        comp = 4 - human;   
        cout<<"The computer took " <<comp <<" toothpick(s)" <<endl;
    else if (toothpicks = 2)
        comp = 1;
        cout<<"The computer took " <<comp <<" toothpick(s)" <<endl;
    else if (toothpicks = 3)
        comp = 2;
        cout<<"The computer took " <<comp <<" toothpick(s)" <<endl;
    else if (toothpicks = 4)
        comp = 3;
        cout<<"The computer took " <<comp <<" toothpick(s)" <<endl;
    else if (toothpicks = 1)
        comp = 1;
        cout<<"The computer took " <<comp <<" toothpick(s)" <<endl;
    toothpicks = toothpicks - comp;
    cout<<toothpicks <<" toothpick(s) remaining";
    if (toothpicks = 0)
        cout<<"The computer has prevailed!"<<endl;
return 0;

使用 == 进行比较,而不是 =(执行赋值)。

这有可能是你的实际代码吗?你只是忘记了C++ =设置值并==比较它!!在第 if (toothpicks = 0) 行中,您将 toothpicks 的值重置为 0,并且由于C++认为 0 为 false,它将忽略此行并继续其他行(如果它们都有相同的问题!!所以你应该用==替换=,然后说if (toothpicks == 0)else if (toothpicks == 2)