高级到 ASM 转换

High Level to ASM conversion

本文关键字:转换 ASM 高级      更新时间:2023-10-16

我正在学习汇编编程,我的任务是在我的程序中将 for 循环(以及任何数组使用)转换为汇编。



void encrypt_chars(int length, char EKey)
    char temp_char;                         // char temporary store
    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)        // encrypt characters one at a time
        temp_char = OChars[i];              // temp_char now contains the address values of the individual character
                push    eax                 // Save values contained within register to stack
                push    ecx
                movzx   ecx, temp_char
                push    ecx                 // Push argument #2
                lea     eax, EKey
                push    eax                 // Push argument #1
                call    encrypt
                add     esp, 8              // Clean parameters of stack
                mov     temp_char, al       // Move the temp character into a register    
                pop     ecx
                pop     eax
        EChars[i] = temp_char;              // Store encrypted char in the encrypted chars array
    // Inputs: register EAX = 32-bit address of Ekey,
    // ECX = the character to be encrypted (in the low 8-bit field, CL).
    // Output: register EAX = the encrypted value of the source character (in the low 8-bit field, AL).
            push    ebp                 // Set stack
            mov     ebp, esp            // Set up the base pointer
            mov     eax, [ebp + 8]      // Move value of parameter 1 into EAX
            mov     ecx, [ebp + 12]     // Move value of parameter 2 into ECX
            push    edi                 // Used for string and memory array copying
            push    ecx                 // Loop counter for pushing character onto stack
            not     byte ptr[eax]       // Negation
            add     byte ptr[eax], 0x04 // Adds hex 4 to EKey
            movzx   edi, byte ptr[eax]  // Moves value of EKey into EDI using zeroes
            pop     eax                 // Pop the character value from stack
            xor     eax, edi            // XOR character to give encrypted value of source
            pop     edi                 // Pop original address of EDI from the stack
            rol     al, 1               // Rotates the encrypted value of source by 1 bit (left)
            rol     al, 1               // Rotates the encrypted value of source by 1 bit (left) again
            add     al, 0x04            // Adds hex 4 to encrypted value of source
            mov     esp, ebp            // Deallocate values
            pop     ebp                 // Restore the base pointer
    //--- End of Assembly code

我查看了反汇编代码,并用它来重写 ASM 代码。我按如下方式输入了反汇编代码,但它给出了以下错误:http://gyazo.com/3b6875c9e1207df61df4e95506af7ed6


void encrypt_chars(int length, char EKey)
    char temp_char;
        mov     DWORD PTR[rbp - 4], 0
        jmp     L2
        mov     eax, DWORD PTR[rbp - 4]
// ERROR HERE ^ above: error C2400: inline assembler syntax error in 'opcode'; found 'newline'  
        movzx   eax, BYTE PTR EChars[rax] 
// ERROR HERE ^ above: error C2400: inline assembler syntax error in 'opcode'; found 'newline'  
// another error ^ above: error C2424: '[' : improper expression in 'second operand'
        mov     BYTE PTR[rbp - 5], al
        // OG code
        push    eax                 // Save values contained within register to stack
        push    ecx
        movzx   ecx, temp_char
        push    ecx                 // Push argument #2
        lea     eax, EKey
        push    eax                 // Push argument #1
        call    encrypt4
        add     esp, 8              // Clean parameters of stack
        mov     temp_char, al       // Move the temp character into a register    
        pop     ecx
        pop     eax
        // end of OG code
        mov     eax, DWORD PTR[rbp - 4]
        movzx   edx, BYTE PTR[rbp - 5] // ERROR HERE: error C2400: inline assembler syntax error in 'opcode'; found 'newline'   
        mov     BYTE PTR DChars[rax], dl // ERROR HERE: error C2424: '[' : improper expression in 'first operand'
        mov     eax, DWORD PTR[rbp - 4]
        cmp     eax, DWORD PTR[rbp - 20]
        jl      L3
            push    ebp                 // Set stack
            mov     ebp, esp            // Set up the base pointer
            mov     eax, [ebp + 8]      // Move value of parameter 1 into EAX
            mov     ecx, [ebp + 12]     // Move value of parameter 2 into ECX
            push    edi                 // Used for string and memory array copying
            push    ecx                 // Loop counter for pushing character onto stack
            not     byte ptr[eax]       // Negation
            add     byte ptr[eax], 0x04 // Adds hex 4 to EKey
            movzx   edi, byte ptr[eax]  // Moves value of EKey into EDI using zeroes
            pop     eax                 // Pop the character value from stack
            xor     eax, edi            // XOR character to give encrypted value of source
            pop     edi                 // Pop original address of EDI from the stack
            rol     al, 1               // Rotates the encrypted value of source by 1 bit (left)
            rol     al, 1               // Rotates the encrypted value of source by 1 bit (left) again
            add     al, 0x04            // Adds hex 4 to encrypted value of source
            mov     esp, ebp            // Deallocate values
            pop     ebp                 // Restore the base pointer
    //--- End of Assembly code

请问有人能指出我哪里出错了?我发现这相对困难,因此非常欢迎逐步解释。请让我知道我哪里出错了。谢谢 x




void encrypt_chars(int length, char EKey, char *Msg)
    int InLength = length;
    int counter;
        push eax        // Counter
        mov eax, 0      // Zero counter
        push ebx        // Value
        mov ebx, InLength
        jmp     L2
        mov counter, EAX
        call    encrypt4
        inc eax         // Increment counter.
        cmp     eax, ebx
        jl      L3      // Jump if we haven't reached our count.
        pop ebx
        pop eax
            push    eax
            push    ebx
            push    edi
            mov     ebx, counter
            add     ebx, Msg
            mov     al, [ebx]      // Move character into al
            CBW                         // Make word.
            CWDE                        // Make Dword.

            not     byte ptr[EKey]       // Negation
            add     byte ptr[EKey], 0x04 // Adds hex 4 to EKey
            movzx   edi, byte ptr[EKey]  // Moves value of EKey into EDI using zeroes
            xor     eax, edi            // XOR character to give encrypted value of source
            pop     edi                 // Pop original address of EDI from the stack
            rol     al, 1               // Rotates the encrypted value of source by 1 bit (left)
            rol     al, 1               // Rotates the encrypted value of source by 1 bit (left) again
            add     al, 0x04            // Adds hex 4 to encrypted value of source
            mov [ebx], al
            pop     ebx
            pop     eax
    //--- End of Assembly code


EKey = 'i';
sprintf(OChars, "hello");
printf("%sn", OChars);
encrypt_chars(sizeof(OChars), EKey, OChars);
printf("%sn", OChars);



这与您的输出匹配,但除第一个字符外的所有字符都匹配。 我相信算法看起来是正确的,我不能再花更多的时间了。 我相信这可能是字符集的差异。 试试吧。
