C++将文件权限添加到 zip 文件

C++ Adding File Permissions to Zip File

本文关键字:文件 zip 添加 权限 C++      更新时间:2023-10-16



如何格式化 zip 文件的安全描述符?

看看Info-ZIP的zip和解压缩实用程序。 它们为各种操作系统提供了比基本minizip功能更广泛的支持。

要自己动手,您可以参考 Info-ZIP 应用说明。 Windows额外字段定义在那里,复制在这里:

         -PKWARE Win95/WinNT Extra Field (0x000a):
          The following description covers PKWARE's "NTFS" attributes
          "extra" block, introduced with the release of PKZIP 2.50 for
          Windows. (Last Revision 20001118)
          (Note: At this time the Mtime, Atime and Ctime values may
          be used on any WIN32 system.)
         [Info-ZIP note: In the current implementations, this field has
          a fixed total data size of 32 bytes and is only stored as local
          extra field.]
          Value         Size        Description
          -----         ----        -----------
  (NTFS)  0x000a        Short       Tag for this "extra" block type
          TSize         Short       Total Data Size for this block
          Reserved      Long        for future use
          Tag1          Short       NTFS attribute tag value #1
          Size1         Short       Size of attribute #1, in bytes
          (var.)        SubSize1    Attribute #1 data
          TagN          Short       NTFS attribute tag value #N
          SizeN         Short       Size of attribute #N, in bytes
          (var.)        SubSizeN    Attribute #N data
          For NTFS, values for Tag1 through TagN are as follows:
          (currently only one set of attributes is defined for NTFS)
          Tag        Size       Description
          -----      ----       -----------
          0x0001     2 bytes    Tag for attribute #1
          Size1      2 bytes    Size of attribute #1, in bytes (24)
          Mtime      8 bytes    64-bit NTFS file last modification time
          Atime      8 bytes    64-bit NTFS file last access time
          Ctime      8 bytes    64-bit NTFS file creation time
          The total length for this block is 28 bytes, resulting in a
          fixed size value of 32 for the TSize field of the NTFS block.
          The NTFS filetimes are 64-bit unsigned integers, stored in Intel
          (least significant byte first) byte order. They determine the
          number of 1.0E-07 seconds (1/10th microseconds!) past WinNT "epoch",
          which is "01-Jan-1601 00:00:00 UTC".