
Integrating Goempertz Function in C++ glitch

本文关键字:Goempertz 功能 集成 C++ 故障      更新时间:2023-10-16




其中bc是常数,我们需要将其从 0 积分到无穷大(一个非常大的数字)以获得预期寿命。

对于非吸烟者,预期寿命可以通过以下方式计算: 常量 b = 0.0005,c = 1.07。 对于吸烟者,预期寿命可以用 常量 b = 0.0010,c = 1.07。

const double A = 0; // lower limit of integration
const double B = 1000000000000; // Upper limit to represent infinity
const int N = 10000; //# number of steps of the approximation

double g(double b, double c, double t)  // 
{//b and c are constants, t is the variable of integration.
return exp((-b/log(c))*pow(c,50)*(pow(c,t)-1));
double trapezoidal(double Bconst, double Cconst)
double deltaX = (B-A)/N; //The "horizontal height" of each tiny trapezoid
double innerTrap = 0; //innerTrap is summation of terms inside Trapezoidal rule
for (int i = 0; i <= N; i++)
double xvalue;
if (i == 0) // at the beginning, evaluate function of innerTrap at x0=A
xvalue = A;
else if (i == N) //at the end, evaluate function at xN=B
xvalue = B;
else //in the middle terms, evaluate function at xi=x0+i(dX)
xvalue = A + i * deltaX;
if ((i == 0) || (i == N)) //coefficient is 1 at beginning and end
innerTrap = innerTrap + 1*g(Bconst, Cconst, xvalue);
else // for all other terms in the middle, has coefficient 2
innerTrap = innerTrap + 2*g(Bconst, Cconst, xvalue);
return (deltaX/2)*innerTrap;
int main()
cout << "years 50 year old nonsmoker lives: " << trapezoidal(0.0005,1.07) << endl;
cout << "years 50 year old smoker lives: " << trapezoidal(0.0010,1.07) << endl;
cout << "difference between life expectancies: " << trapezoidal(0.0005,1.07)-trapezoidal(0.0010,1.07) << endl;
return 0;


const double A = 0;
const double B = 1000000000000;
const int N = 10000;
double deltaX = (B-A) / N;  //100 million!



const double B = 100;
const int N = 10000000;

这使得deltaX == 0.00001并且似乎给出了良好的结果(21.2和14.8)。放大B不会改变最终答案(如果有的话),因为此范围内的函数值基本上为 0。


  1. 对于B查找函数结果足够小(或函数更改足够小)以忽略的x的值。这对于周期性或复杂函数来说可能很棘手。
  2. 从一个小N值开始,然后计算结果。将N增加 2 倍(或更多),直到结果收敛到所需的精度。
  3. 您可以通过增加B来检查您选择的是否有效,并查看结果的变化是否小于您想要的准确性。

例如,我对BN的选择非常保守。这些可以减少到低至B = 50N = 10,并且仍然为 3 个有效数字提供相同的结果。

据我了解,您在常量BN上犯了一个错误。B- 一个人可以以一定的概率和N生活多少年是积分步。因此B应该相对较小(<100,因为一个人活50+100岁或更长时间的概率非常小),N应该尽可能大。您可以使用以下代码来解决您的任务

const double A = 0; // lower limit of integration
const double B = 100; // Upper limit to represent infinity
const int N = 1000000; //# number of steps of the approximation
double g(double b, double c, double t)  // 
{//b and c are constants, t is the variable of integration.
return exp((-b/log(c))*pow(c,50)*(pow(c,t)-1));
double trapezoidal(double Bconst, double Cconst)
double deltaX = (B-A)/double(N); //The "horizontal height" of each tiny trapezoid
double innerTrap = 0; //innerTrap is summation of terms inside Trapezoidal rule
double xvalue = A + deltaX/2;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
xvalue += deltaX;
innerTrap += g(Bconst, Cconst, xvalue);
return deltaX*innerTrap;
int main()
double smk = trapezoidal(0.0010,1.07);
double nonsmk = trapezoidal(0.0005,1.07);
cout << "years 50 year old nonsmoker lives: " << nonsmk  << endl;
cout << "years 50 year old smoker lives: " << smk << endl;
cout << "difference between life expectancies: " << nonsmk-smk << endl;
return 0;