
C++ - How to get structure last member type and a way to access it from existing object?

本文关键字:方法 访问 对象 类型 成员 何获取 获取 C++- 最后一个 结构 成员类      更新时间:2023-10-16




struct S
    int b;
    int arr[];
} ;
struct S1
    double d;
} ;
last_member_of<S1>::type //type of 'S1::d' - 'double'
last_member_of<S>::type //type of 'S::arr' - 'int []'
last_member_of<S>::value // 'S::*' pointing to 'S::arr'
last_member_of<S1>::value // 'S1::*' pointing to 'S1::d'

这个想法是,如果最后一个成员是灵活的数组(我知道ISO C++不正式支持它,但谁在乎大多数编译器何时真正支持它),我重新定义的运算符将能够为它分配/取消分配额外的存储,自动调用所有构造函数和析构函数


struct S
    int b;
    int arr[1];
    auto operator new( size_t const size, int const n )
        -> void*
        return ::operator new( size + (n-1)*sizeof( int ) );
    void operator delete( void* p )
        ::operator delete( p );
auto main() -> int
    auto pS = new( 42 ) S;
    // USe it.
    delete pS;






  • 一种特定的已知存储器布局,例如适合某些现有的C函数
  • 单个动态分配
#include <iostream>
#include <functional>   // std::function
#include <memory>       // std::unique_ptr, std::default_delete
#include <new>          // std::operator new( size_t, void* )
#include <stddef.h>     // size_t
#include <stdexcept>    // std::exception, std::runtime_error
#include <stdlib.h>     // EXIT_FAILURE, EXIT_SUCCESS
#include <string>       // std::string
namespace cppx {
    using std::function;
    using std::string;
    using std::unique_ptr;
    using std::runtime_error;
    auto fail( string const& s ) -> bool { throw runtime_error( s ); }
    class Non_copyable
        using This_class = Non_copyable;
        This_class& operator=( This_class const& ) = delete;
        Non_copyable( This_class const& ) = delete;
        Non_copyable() {}
        Non_copyable( This_class&& ) {}
    template< class Common_data, class Item >
    class Flexible_array
        : public Non_copyable
    template< class T > friend class std::default_delete;
        union Start_of_array
            Item first_item;
            char dummy;
            ~Start_of_array() {}
            Start_of_array(): dummy() {}
        int                     size_;
        Common_data             data_;
        Start_of_array          items_;
        // Private destructor prevents non-dynamic allocation.
            for( int i = size_ - 1; i >= 0; --i )
                p_item( i )->~Item();
        Flexible_array( int const size ): size_( size ) {}
        // Private allocation function prevents client code dynamic allocation.
        // It also servers the purpose of allocating the right size for the array.
        static auto operator new( size_t const n_bytes, int const n )
            -> void*
        { return ::operator new( n_bytes + (n - 1)*sizeof( Item ) ); }
        // Matching operator delete for the case where constructor throws.
        static void operator delete( void* const p, int )
        { ::operator delete( p ); }
        // General operator delete.
        static void operator delete( void* const p )
        { ::operator delete( p ); }
        auto size() const           -> int              { return size_; }
        auto data()                 -> Common_data&     { return data_; }
        auto p_item( int const i )  -> Item*            { return &items_.first_item + i; }
        auto item( int const i )    -> Item&            { return *p_item( i ); }

        void destroy() { delete this; }
        static auto create( int const size, function< void( int id, void* p_storage ) > construct )
            -> Flexible_array*
            unique_ptr< Flexible_array > p_flex{ new( size ) Flexible_array( size ) };
            for( int i = 0; i < size; ++i )
                    construct( i, p_flex->p_item( i ) );
                catch( ... )
                    p_flex->size_ = i;
            return p_flex.release();
        static auto create( int const size, Item const& default_value )
            -> Flexible_array*
        { return create( size, [&]( int, void* p ) { ::new( p ) Item( default_value ); } ); }
        static auto create( int const size )
            -> Flexible_array*
        { return create( size, [&]( int, void* p ) { ::new( p ) Item(); } ); }
}  // namespace cppx
struct X
    int id;
    ~X() { std::clog << "X " << id << " destroyedn"; }
    X( int const i )
        : id( i )
        if( i == 5 ) { cppx::fail( "Intentional failure of X 5 construction" ); }
        std::clog << "X " << id << " createdn";
    X( X const& other )
        : id( other.id )
        std::clog << "X " << id << " copy-createdn";
auto main() -> int
    using namespace std;
        using Flex = cppx::Flexible_array< int, X >;
        unique_ptr<Flex> const p{ Flex::create(
            7 ,
            X( 42 )     // or e.g. "[]( int i, void* p ) { ::new( p ) X( i ); }"
            ) };
        return EXIT_SUCCESS;
    catch( exception const& x )
        cerr << "!" << x.what() << "n";
    return EXIT_FAILURE;


#include <cstdint>
#include <cstddef>
struct A1 {
    uint32_t a;
    uint8_t x1;
}; // 3 bytes padding at the end
struct A2 {
    uint32_t a;
    uint8_t x1;
    uint8_t x2;
}; // 2 bytes padding at the end
struct A3 {
    uint32_t a;
    uint8_t x1;
    uint8_t x2;
    uint8_t x3;
}; // 1 byte padding at the end
struct A4 {
    uint32_t a;
    uint8_t x1;
    uint8_t x2;
    uint8_t x3;
    uint8_t x4;
}; // no padding
int main()
    static_assert(sizeof(A1) == 8);
    static_assert(sizeof(A2) == 8);
    static_assert(sizeof(A3) == 8);
    static_assert(sizeof(A4) == 8);
    static_assert(offsetof(A1, x1) == 4);
    static_assert(offsetof(A2, x2) == 5);
    static_assert(offsetof(A3, x3) == 6);
    static_assert(offsetof(A4, x4) == 7);