
how to separate tokens, using multiple ways

本文关键字:分离 令牌 方式 何使用      更新时间:2023-10-16


#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;
struct trees {
   string typet;
   string nodes;
   string tree;
   trees *rec;
struct trees lines;
char line[50];
char* token;
int main()
   ifstream infile;
   if (!infile)
      // If file doesn't exist.
      cout <<"File does not exist... nnPlease";
      cout <<" verify the file name and try againnn"<< endl;
   while (infile.getline(line, 450))
      string tree1, operation, data;
      istringstream liness(line);
      getline( liness, tree1,  ',' );
      getline( liness, operation, ',' );
      getline( liness, data,   ',' );
      //cout << linea  << endl;
      cout << "Type of tree: " << tree1 << " Operation to do: " << operation << " Data to use: " << data<< ".n";
      //cout << line  << endl;
      if (tree1 == "1")
         cout<<"It is a binary tree nn";
   system ("pause");


1, 1, 10, 11, 15
1, 1, 13, 20, 14
1, 1, 3, 39. 18
1, 1, 3, 3, 16



char ch;      //use this for comma
while (sampleFile.getline(line, 450))
    int tree1, operation, data[3];
    istringstream liness(line);
    //getline( liness, tree1,  ',' );
    //getline( liness, operation, ',' );
    //getline( liness, data,   ',' );
    //cout << linea  << endl;
    liness >> tree1 >> ch >> operation >> ch >> data[0] >> ch >> data[1] >> ch >> data[2];
    cout << "Type of tree: " << tree1 << " Operation to do: " << operation << " Data to use: " << data[0] << "," << data[1] << "," << data[2] << ".n";
    if (tree1 == 1)    // remove quotes as comparing to integer
        cout<<"It is a binary tree nn";


  vector<int> data;
  string token;
  istringstream liness(lines);
      int temp = stoi(token);       //convert string to int
      data.push_back(temp);         //insert into vector


while (infile.getline(line, 450))
    std::vector<std::string> tokens;
    boost::split(tokens, line, boost::is_any_of(","), boost::token_compress_on );
    // now just use the tokens
    if (tokens[0] == "1") {
        cout<<"It is a binary tree nn";


assert(tokens.size() >= 3);
construct_binary_tree(tokens.begin() + 2, tokens.end());