
Number of Nodes in a Balanced Tree

本文关键字:节点 平衡树      更新时间:2023-10-16


      4      2


 Query: 1
 Response: 4 2
 Query: 4
 Response 3
 Query: 3
 Response: 0 0 
 Query: 2
 Response: 0 0
 Answer: 4





  1. 非叶节点的数量可以根据树的深度来计算;它是2深度-1。因此,有趣的计数是叶节点
  2. 给定平衡条件,总是只有一个地方可以插入新节点或删除现有节点。(这意味着给定数量的叶节点意味着一个,而且只有一个叶节点模式。)
  3. 如果我们知道一个节点的左子树的叶节点的数量,我们就知道右子树中的叶节点数量(和节点数量)要么相同,要么少一个
  4. 它从2开始。和3。在右子树中只有一个叶节点槽,如果不检查树是否已填充,我们就无法知道它。找到它是这个算法的诀窍



  • 如果这个子树中叶节点的最大数量是奇数,那么有问题的槽在左边,因为右边不能比左边重。如果是偶数,则插槽在右侧
  • 每个子树中叶节点的最大数量是子树中叶节点数量的一半,在左侧向上取整,在右侧向下取整


#include <cstddef>
// I'm using a simple node structure, you'd use query functions. The
// algorithm is not meaningfully altered by this.
struct node {
  node *left = nullptr, *right = nullptr;
struct node_counter {
  std::size_t leaf;      // number of leaf nodes,
  std::size_t trunk;     // number of trunk nodes,
  std::size_t depth;     // and depth of the inspected subtree.
// Interesting function #1: Given a right subtree and the leaf-count and
// depth of its left sibling, find the node that might or might not be there
node const *find_leaf(node const *branch, std::size_t leaf_count, std::size_t depth) {
  // We've gone down, found the slot. Return it.
  if(depth == 0) { return branch; }
  // The heart of the matter: Step into the subtree that contains the
  // questionable slot, with its maximum leaf node count and depth.
  return find_leaf(leaf_count % 2 ? branch->left : branch->right,
                   (leaf_count + 1) / 2, // int division
                   depth - 1);
// Recursive counter. This steps down on the left side, then infers the
// number of leaf and trunk nodes on the right side for each level.
node_counter count_nodes_aux(node const *root) {
  // leftmost leaf node is reached. Return info for it.
  if(!root->left) {
    return { 1, 0, 0 };
  // We're in the middle of the tree. Get the counts for the left side,
  auto ctr_left   = count_nodes_aux(root->left);
  // then find the questionable slot on the right
  auto leaf_right = find_leaf(root->right, ctr_left.leaf, ctr_left.depth);
  return {
    // the number of leaf nodes in this tree is double that of the left
    // subtree if the node is there, one less otherwise.
    ctr_left.leaf * 2 - (leaf_right ? 0 : 1),
    // And this is just an easy way to keep count of the number of non-leaf
    // nodes and the depth of the inspected subtree.
    ctr_left.trunk * 2 + 1,
    ctr_left.depth + 1
// Frontend function to make the whole thing easily usable.
std::size_t count_nodes(node const *root) {
  auto ctr = count_nodes_aux(root);
  return ctr.leaf + ctr.trunk;


void fill_node(node *n) {
  n->left  = new node;
  n->right = new node;
int main() {
  node *root = new node;
  std::cout << count_nodes(root) << std::endl;
  root->left ->left ->left ->left ->left  = new node;  std::cout << count_nodes(root) << std::endl;
  root->right->left ->left ->left ->left  = new node;  std::cout << count_nodes(root) << std::endl;
  root->left ->right->left ->left ->left  = new node;  std::cout << count_nodes(root) << std::endl;
  root->right->right->left ->left ->left  = new node;  std::cout << count_nodes(root) << std::endl;
  root->left ->left ->right->left ->left  = new node;  std::cout << count_nodes(root) << std::endl;
  root->right->left ->right->left ->left  = new node;  std::cout << count_nodes(root) << std::endl;
  root->left ->right->right->left ->left  = new node;  std::cout << count_nodes(root) << std::endl;
  root->right->right->right->left ->left  = new node;  std::cout << count_nodes(root) << std::endl;
  root->left ->left ->left ->right->left  = new node;  std::cout << count_nodes(root) << std::endl;
  root->right->left ->left ->right->left  = new node;  std::cout << count_nodes(root) << std::endl;
  root->left ->right->left ->right->left  = new node;  std::cout << count_nodes(root) << std::endl;
  root->right->right->left ->right->left  = new node;  std::cout << count_nodes(root) << std::endl;
  root->left ->left ->right->right->left  = new node;  std::cout << count_nodes(root) << std::endl;
  root->right->left ->right->right->left  = new node;  std::cout << count_nodes(root) << std::endl;
  root->left ->right->right->right->left  = new node;  std::cout << count_nodes(root) << std::endl;
  root->right->right->right->right->left  = new node;  std::cout << count_nodes(root) << std::endl;
  root->left ->left ->left ->left ->right = new node;  std::cout << count_nodes(root) << std::endl;
  root->right->left ->left ->left ->right = new node;  std::cout << count_nodes(root) << std::endl;
  root->left ->right->left ->left ->right = new node;  std::cout << count_nodes(root) << std::endl;
  root->right->right->left ->left ->right = new node;  std::cout << count_nodes(root) << std::endl;
  root->left ->left ->right->left ->right = new node;  std::cout << count_nodes(root) << std::endl;
  root->right->left ->right->left ->right = new node;  std::cout << count_nodes(root) << std::endl;
  root->left ->right->right->left ->right = new node;  std::cout << count_nodes(root) << std::endl;
  root->right->right->right->left ->right = new node;  std::cout << count_nodes(root) << std::endl;
  root->left ->left ->left ->right->right = new node;  std::cout << count_nodes(root) << std::endl;
  root->right->left ->left ->right->right = new node;  std::cout << count_nodes(root) << std::endl;
  root->left ->right->left ->right->right = new node;  std::cout << count_nodes(root) << std::endl;
  root->right->right->left ->right->right = new node;  std::cout << count_nodes(root) << std::endl;
  root->left ->left ->right->right->right = new node;  std::cout << count_nodes(root) << std::endl;
  root->right->left ->right->right->right = new node;  std::cout << count_nodes(root) << std::endl;
  root->left ->right->right->right->right = new node;  std::cout << count_nodes(root) << std::endl;
  root->right->right->right->right->right = new node;  std::cout << count_nodes(root) << std::endl;
int countnodes(ele,count)
 if(ele.right != null)
      count += countnodes(ele.right,0);
  if(ele.left != null)
     count += countnodes(ele.left,0);
  return count++; //got to count this node