
When writing into a binary file, `std::ofstream::write` sometimes writes more bytes than it should

本文关键字:字节 字节数 ofstream 二进制文件 std write      更新时间:2023-10-16


ParseSTL stl();
//generate the 3D model
std::string outfname = "test.stl";
std::ofstream outf(outfname, std::ios_base::out & std::ios_base::binary);


void writeBinarySTL(std::ofstream &outf)
    char attr[2] = { 0 };
    char header[80] = { 0 };
    int count = 0;
    outf.write(header, 80);
    //count += 80;
    //std::cout << "after header: file position: " << outf.tellp() << "  bytes written: " << count << "n";
    //if ((int)outf.tellp() != count)
    //    std::cout << "something is wrong!n";
    outf.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&facecount), sizeof(int));
    //count += sizeof(int);
    //std::cout << "after number of faces: file position: " << outf.tellp() << "  bytes written: " << count << "n";
    //if ((int)outf.tellp() != count)
    //    std::cout << "something is wrong!n";
    for (int i = 0; i < facecount; i++)
        struct face{
            float n[3];
            float v[3][3];
        } f;
        for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
            f.n[j] = (float) normals[i][j];
        for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
            for (int k = 0; k < 3; ++k)
                f.v[j][k] = (float)vertices[faces[i][j]][k];
        outf.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&f), sizeof(f));
        //count += sizeof(f);
        //std::cout << "after struct: file position: " << outf.tellp() << "  bytes written: " << count << "n";
        //if ((int)outf.tellp() != count)
        //    std::cout << "something is wrong!n";
        //    break;
        outf.write(attr, 2);
        //count += 2;
        //std::cout << "after attributes: file position: " << outf.tellp() << "  bytes written: " << count << "n";
        //if ((int)outf.tellp() != count)
        //    std::cout << "something is wrong!n";
        //    break;
    //std::cout << "Bytes written: " << count << "n";


Vertex count = 4243
Face count = 3168
Edge count = 0
after header: file position: 80  bytes written: 80
after number of faces: file position: 84  bytes written: 84
after struct: file position: 132  bytes written: 132
after attributes: file position: 134  bytes written: 134
after struct: file position: 532  bytes written: 532
after attributes: file position: 534  bytes written: 534
after struct: file position: 583  bytes written: 582
something is wrong!

因此,行outf.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&f), sizeof(f));似乎比它应该写入的多写入了1个字节。这种漂移偶尔会发生一次,最后,我得到的不是158,484字节的文件,而是158,896字节的文件。如果在写入结构后添加outf.seekp(count),那么最终的文件大小是正确的,但有些浮点值没有正确写入(因此漂移并不总是在结构的末尾)。

我想知道我做错了什么,导致这个额外的字节被写入文件。哦,我正在使用Microsoft Visual Stusio Express 2013。


std::ofstream outf(outfname, std::ios_base::out & std::ios_base::binary);


std::ofstream outf(outfname, std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::binary);
                                              ^^^^^ The difference


std::ofstream outf(outfname, std::ios_base::binary);