
When and why would i use abs in c++

本文关键字:c++ abs 什么时候 为什么      更新时间:2023-10-16


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
int main()
  int N; // the number of temperatures to analyse
  cin >> N; cin.ignore();
  if( N == 0 ) {
        cout << 0 << endl;
        return 0;
    int bestTemp = 5527;
    for( int i = 0; i < N; i++ ) {
        int v;
        cin >> v;
        if( abs( v ) < abs( bestTemp ) ) {
            bestTemp = v;
        } else if( abs( v ) == abs( bestTemp ) && bestTemp < 0 ) {
            bestTemp = v;

    // Write an action using cout. DON'T FORGET THE "<< endl"
    // To debug: cerr << "Debug messages..." << endl;
    cout << bestTemp << endl;
  return 0;



由于abs( v )abs( bestTemp )返回两个数字的正版本,如果v的幅度低于bestTemp(或"接近0"),则abs( v ) < abs( bestTemp )将为真。