Mersenne Twister & 接收算法中的语义问题.h

Mersenne Twister & receiving Semantic Issue in the algorithm.h

本文关键字:语义 问题 算法 Twister Mersenne      更新时间:2023-10-16



我搜索了Stack Overflow以及cplusplus.com和其他网站等。

我在这两个方面都找不到有用的提示。Mersenne Twister的大多数问题似乎都是它的使用问题,而不是任何头文件或库文件中的问题。:c++11 mersenne_twister_engine类的问题:如何在函数中运行Mersenne Twister?:mt19937和uniform_real_distribution:为什么每次使用std::random_device和mingw gcc4.8.1运行时,我都会得到相同的序列?






typedef typename _Engine::result_type _Engine_result_type;
typedef typename conditional

tatic _LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR const _Working_result_type _Rp = _Engine::max() - _Engine::min()
                                                  + _Working_result_type(1);



#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <random>
//#include <chrono>
//#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
  // Simple Attack and Defense Attributes.
 int Agility = 40;
 int Attack =52;
 int MyAgility = 45;
 int MyAttack = 64;
mt19937 randomGenerator(time_t);
//default_random_engine randomGenerator(time_t);
//Function Protypes
void d4();
void d6();
void d8();
void d10();
void SuccessCheck();

int main()
    int MyWarriors;
    //int WarriorsAvailable = NULL;
    //int Skeletons = NULL;
    //int CharacterCount;
    int Attack;
    int Defense;
    int AxeDMG = 1;
    int SwordDMG = 2;
    int ShieldDEF = 1;
    //String Variables
    //Too Many Soldiers Requested
    char str1[150] = "I'm sorry Sire, we just don't have that many troops available.";
    char str2[150] = "No sir! We just can't manage that.";
    char str3[150] = "Oh! Our woes would not be so terrible, should we only have that many in our guard.";
    char str4[150] = "Have you been listening to my counsel? We just can't raise an army that size in such a short time.";
    char str5[150] = "Very well Sir, I suppose we'll perish until you can't give me a real answer.";
    //A Valid Amount of Soldiers Requested
    char str6[150] = "Great! I'll send them through the gates immediately!";
    char str7[150] = "YES! Through the forest, they'll ut down our foes!";
    char str8[150] = "By the Lord Almighty, they shall be vanquished!";
    char str9[150] = "They won't stand a chance!";
    char str10[150] = "No man or beast will rise against you again!";
    //Maybe Not Enough Soldiers Requested
    char str11[150] = "You may need a tad more men, Sire.";
    char str12[150] = "Perhaps, you'd like to join your men, just in case they need help?";
    char str13[150] = "I think we have a few more men you could send, Sire.";
    char str14[150] = "Oh yea, you'll have them quaking in their boots. Much like kittens and babies would. Perhaps you could spare a few more?";
    char str15[150] = "You can't say that I didn't warn you. Maybe send a few more men.";

    //Random number of Skeletons!
    uniform_int_distribution<int> Skeletons (1, 3000);
    //Random number of Skeletons!
    uniform_int_distribution<int> WarriorsAvailable (1, 3000);
    //Invalid MySoldier Selection
    uniform_int_distribution<int> TooManySoldiers (1, 5);
    //Random number of Skeletons!
    uniform_int_distribution<int> RightNumSoldiers (6, 10);
    //Random number of Skeletons!
    uniform_int_distribution<int> ATadMoreSoldiers (11, 15);
    cout << "Sire! There are " << Skeletons(randomGenerator) << " marching toward the castle!" << endl << "We should send out our troops!" << endl;
    cout << "Our registry indicates that we have " << WarriorsAvailable << " who are combat ready!";
    cout << "How many warriors do wich to send out to battle?" << endl;
    cin >> MyWarriors;

    do {
    } while (<#condition#>); (MyWarriors > WarriorsAvailable)
        cout <<  << endl << "How many warriors woudl you like to send in to combat?";

    cout << "Yes, Sire! I will rally " << MyWarriors << " to do battle with our enemy, at once!" << endl << endl;

    return 0;

//Dice Functions: Many of these functions cam from a Stack Overflow answer I found weeks prior to joining
void d4(){//function prints a randomly generated number
    //mt19937 randomGenerator(time_t);
    //auto seed = chrono::high_resolution_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count();
    uniform_int_distribution<int> d4Die (1, 4);
    int d4Roll = d4Die(randomGenerator); //the generated number is then set equal to an integer for functionality
    cout << d4Roll; //finally, the integer is printed to the screen

void d6(){//function prints a randomly generated number
    //mt19937 randomGenerator(time_t);
    uniform_int_distribution<int> d6Die (1, 6);
    int d6Roll = d6Die(randomGenerator); //the generated number is then set equal to an integer for functionality
    cout << d6Roll; //finally, the integer is printed to the screen
void d8(){//function prints a randomly generated number
    //mt19937 randomGenerator(time_t);
    uniform_int_distribution<int> d8Die (1, 8);
//the generated number is then set equal to an integer for functionality
    int d8Roll = d8Die(randomGenerator);
    cout << d8Roll; //finally, the integer is printed to the screen
void d10(){//function prints a randomly generated number
    //mt19937 randomGenerator(time_t);
    uniform_int_distribution<int> d10Die (1, 10);
    //the generated number is then set  equal to an integer for functionality
    int d10Roll = d10Die(randomGenerator); 
    cout << d10Roll; //finally, the integer is printed to the screen
void SuccessCheck(){//function prints a randomly generated number
    //mt19937 randomGenerator(time_t);
     //Success Check based on a percentile roll of (2d10) yielding a 1 - 100%
    uniform_int_distribution<int> SCDie (1, 100);
    //the generated number is then set equal to an integer for functionality
    int SCRoll = SCDie(randomGenerator); 
    cout << SCRoll; //finally, the integer is printed to the screen
//Combat Skill Modifier
uniform_int_distribution<int> CmbSklMod (1, 3);
//uniform_real_distribution<float> SucessCheck(0.0f, 1.0f);


mt19937 randomGenerator(time_t);



std::random_device rd
std::mt19937 randomGenerator{rd()};


std::random_device rd;
std::seed_seq seed{rd(), rd(), rd(), rd(), rd(), rd(), rd(), rd()};
std::mt19937 randomGenerator(seed);



错误 使用类模板uniform_int_distribution需要模板参数


uniform_int_distribution<int> Skeletons (randomGenerator);




uniform_int_distribution<int> Skeletons (1, 3000);



std::random_device rd;
std::seed_seq seed{rd(), rd(), rd(), rd(), rd(), rd(), rd(), rd()};
std::mt19937 randomGenerator(seed);


//Random number of Skeletons!
uniform_int_distribution<int> Skeletons (1, 3000);
//Random number of Available Warriors!
uniform_int_distribution<int> WarriorsAvailable (1, 3000);
//Invalid MySoldier Selection
uniform_int_distribution<int> TooManySoldiers (1, 5);
//Random number of Skeletons!
uniform_int_distribution<int> RightNumSoldiers (6, 10);
//Random number of Skeletons!
uniform_int_distribution<int> ATadMoreSoldiers (11, 15);

===============Messner Twister的可靠性=====================这就是为什么在上面的代码中大量使用rd((的原因。

有更好、更准确的方法吗?以下是关于Messner Twister,以及在更好地播种之前它是如何可预测的。




void d4(({//函数打印一个随机生成的数字uniform_int_distribution d4Die(1,4(;int d4Roll=d4Die(随机生成器(//然后将生成的数字设置为等于一个整数以实现功能cout<lt;d4滚动//最后,将整数打印到屏幕上}

