
Storage size isn't known

本文关键字:未知 存储      更新时间:2023-10-16
const int MAXWIDTH = 512;
const int MAXHEIGHT = 512;
void readImage(int image[][MAXHEIGHT], int &width, int &height)
void writeImage(int image[][MAXHEIGHT], int width, int height)
int main ()
 int image[][MAXHEIGHT], width, height;
 readImage (image, &width, &height);
 writeImage (image, width, height);
 return 0;



使用初始值设定项列表,否则在声明数组时无法执行int image[][MAXHEIGHT];

int image[][5]={ {1,2,3,4,5},{6,7,8,9,10} };//is OK and the compiler get the row size from your initializer list and creates image[2][5]
int image[][5];//this is not OK because the compiler can't know the size of the row when creating the arrray
int image[MAXWIDTH][MAXHEIGHT];//OK because you specified both dimensions


void somefunction(image[][MAXWIDTH])//is OK