
Invalid use of incomplete type (chained templated classes)

本文关键字:链接 类型 用不完 无效      更新时间:2023-10-16




struct BaseFile_t{
struct DerivedA : BaseFile_t{
struct DerivedB : BaseFile_t{
UnionBase<BaseFile_t,DerivedA,DerivedB> var;   //Can now pass references 
//of this into File system function 
//so that they can modify the right
//Derived type (which can then be
//used as if it is the base type)



#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <conio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <fstream>
#include "prototypeInd/templates/UnionBase.h"
using namespace prototypeInd::templates;
template<class arg,class conv>
struct File{
template<class arg,class conv>
struct Directory : public File<arg,conv>{
template<class arg,class conv>
struct FS{
    typedef Directory<arg,conv> Directory;
    typedef File<arg,conv> File;
template<class arg,class conv>
struct DFile : public virtual File<arg,conv>{
template<class arg,class conv>
struct DDirectory : public virtual Directory<arg,conv>, public virtual DFile<arg,conv>{
    void foo(typename conv::Directory::UnionType& d){
template<class arg,class conv>
struct DFS : public virtual FS<arg,conv>{
    typedef DFile<arg,conv> File;
    typedef DDirectory<arg,conv> Directory;
template<class arg,template<class,class> class fsa,template<class,class> class fsb>
struct FSU{
    typedef UnionBase<FS<arg,FSU>,fsa<arg,FSU>,fsb<arg,FSU> > FS;
    typedef UnionBase<typename ::FS<arg,FSU>::Directory,typename fsa<arg,FSU>::Directory,typename fsb<arg,FSU>::Directory> Directory;
    typedef UnionBase<typename ::FS<arg,FSU>::File,typename fsa<arg,FSU>::File,typename fsb<arg,FSU>::File> File;
typedef FSU<int,DFS,DFS> thing;
DDirectory<int,thing> d;

int main(int d,char** thing){

我得到的错误是:invalid use of incomplete type 'struct DDirectory<int, FSU<int, DFS, DFS> >'


#ifndef prototypeInd_templates_UnionBase_h
#define prototypeInd_templates_UnionBase_h
#include <type_traits>
template<class Type, uint64_t time,class First,class... Array>
class IndexOf_{
        static const bool isSame = std::is_same<First,Type>::value;
        static const uint64_t value = isSame ? time : IndexOf_<Type,time+1,Array...>::value;
template<class Type, uint64_t time, class First>
class IndexOf_<Type,time,First>{
        //static_assert(std::is_same<First,Type>::value,"Not contained in list");
        static const uint64_t value = time;
template<class Type,class... Array>
using IndexOf = IndexOf_<Type,0,Array...>;
template<class Target, class First, class... Rest>
class ContainsType{
    static const bool value = std::is_same<Target, First>::value ? true : ContainsType<Target,Rest...>::value;
template<class Target, class First>
class ContainsType<Target,First>{
    static const bool value = std::is_same<Target, First>::value;
//Best is the highes so far while rest is the rest of the list
template <class Best,class First, class... Rest>
class GetMaxSize{
        //typedef typename GetFirstType<Rest...>::value First;
        static const bool FirstBigger = sizeof(First) > sizeof(Best);
        typedef typename std::conditional<FirstBigger,typename GetMaxSize<First,Rest...>::value,typename GetMaxSize<Best,Rest...>::value >::type value;
template<class Best, class First>
class GetMaxSize<Best,First>{
    static const bool FirstBigger = sizeof(First) > sizeof(Best);
        typedef typename std::conditional<FirstBigger,First,Best >::type value;
template<class From,uint16_t index,class UT,class First,class... Array> 
struct cast{
    static void apply(From** t,UT* f){
        if (index == f->GetActive()){
            *t = &((First)(*f));
template<class From,uint16_t index,class UT,class First>
struct cast<From,index,UT,First>{
    static void apply(From** t,UT* f){
        if (index == f->GetActive()){
            *t = &((First)(*f));

template<class... Values>
class UnionType{
    typedef typename GetMaxSize<Values...>::value internal_t;
    internal_t data;
    uint16_t active;
    template<class CastFrom, class Dummy = typename std::enable_if<ContainsType<CastFrom,Values...>::value, int>::type >
    UnionType(CastFrom&& d) : data(reinterpret_cast<internal_t&>(d)),active(IndexOf<CastFrom,Values...>::value){
    template<class CastTo, class Condition = typename std::enable_if<ContainsType<CastTo,Values...>::value,int>::type >
    operator CastTo const&() const{
        return reinterpret_cast<const CastTo&>(data);
    uint16_t GetActive() const{
        return active;
    //This one actually uses casting of the active data type
    template<class CastTo, class Condition = typename std::enable_if<!ContainsType<CastTo,Values...>::value,int>::type >
    explicit operator CastTo*() const{
        CastTo temp;
        CastTo* ret = &temp;
        return ret;
namespace prototypeInd{namespace templates{
template<class Base, class Thing>
struct IsPublicBase{
    static const bool value = std::is_base_of<Base,Thing>::value && std::is_convertible<Thing*,Base*>::value;
template<class Base, class First, class... Rest>
struct AllInheritFrom{
    static const bool value = IsPublicBase<Base,First>::value ? AllInheritFrom<Base,Rest...>::value : false;
template<class Base, class First>
struct AllInheritFrom<Base,First>{
    static const bool value = IsPublicBase<Base,First>::value;
template<template<class> class Function,class First,class... Args>
struct AllFullfill{
    static const bool value = Function<First>::value ? AllFullfill<Function,Args...>::value : false;
template<template<class> class Function,class First>
struct AllFullfill<Function,First>{
    static const bool value = Function<First>::value;
template<class Base, class... Rest>
class UnionBase{
    static_assert(AllInheritFrom<Base,Rest...>::value, "All of the elements of UnionBase must have Base as a public base");
        typedef UnionType<Rest...> UnionType;
        UnionType internal;
        UnionBase() : internal(typename GetFirstType<Rest...>::value()){};
        UnionBase(Base&& value) : internal(value){
        operator UnionType&(){
            return internal;
        Base* operator ->() const{
            //return 0;
            return &((Base&)internal);
//template<class Base, class... Rest>
//using UnionBase = UnionBase_<Base,Rest...>*;






template<class arg,class conv>
struct DDirectory : public virtual Directory<arg,conv>, public virtual DFile<arg,conv>{
    void foo(typename conv::Directory::UnionType& d){


static_assert(AllInheritFrom<Base,Rest...>::value, "All of the elements of UnionBase must have Base as a public base");

其中一个类是CCD_ 15。记住,所有这些都发生在推导foo()的参数类型时,所以DDirectory<int,thing>是不完整的,这就是编译器所说的。


error: invalid application of 'sizeof' to an incomplete type 'DDirectory<int, FSU<int, DFS, DFS> >'
static const bool FirstBigger = sizeof(First) > sizeof(Best);


#include <type_traits>
template <typename T1, typename T2>
struct BiggerType {
    using type = typename std::conditional<(sizeof(T1) > sizeof(T2)), T1, T2>::type;
template<typename T>
struct S {
    using B = BiggerType<S, int>;
    // This causes the instantiation of BiggerType,
    // leading to calculation of sizeof(S) which is incomplete
    void foo(const typename B::type& bt) {
int main() {
    S<int> s;


template<typename T>
struct S {
    // Same problem here
    void foo(typename std::conditional<(sizeof(S) > sizeof(int)), S, int>::type&) {