Overlapping cout

Overlapping cout

本文关键字:cout Overlapping      更新时间:2023-10-16



double calcGrossPay (double payRate, double hours);
double nPay (double& fedTx, double& localTx, double& stateTx, double& ssTx, double& netPay, double fPay);
void displayAll (double fPay, double netPay, string name);
double fedTx = 14, stateTx = 6, localTx = 3.5, ssTx = 4.75;
int main()
    while (!cin.eof())
          string name;
          cout <<"Please enter your working name: ";
          getline (cin, name);
          double payRate, hours;
          cout <<"Enter your pay rate and hours worked, respectively."<< endl;
          cin >> payRate >> hours;
          double fPay = calcGrossPay (payRate, hours);
          double netPay = 0;
          netPay = nPay (fedTx, localTx, stateTx, ssTx, netPay, fPay);
          displayAll (fPay, netPay, name);

double calcGrossPay (double payRate, double hours)
       double extraT, fPay;
       if (hours > 40)
       extraT = (hours - 40) * (1.5 * payRate);
       fPay = extraT + (40 * payRate);
       fPay = payRate * hours;
       return fPay;
double nPay (double& fedTx, double& localTx, double& stateTx, double& ssTx, double& netPay, double fPay)
       double totalTx = fedTx + localTx + stateTx + ssTx;
       netPay = fPay * (1 - (totalTx / 100));
       return netPay;
void displayAll (double fPay, double netPay, string name)
    cout <<"Below is "<< name << "'s salary information" << endl;
     cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2) <<"nYour calculated gross pay is $"
          << fPay << ", and your net pay is $" << netPay << endl;

getline之后,一个新行仍在流中,因此您必须ignore it:

getline(cin, name);

此外,代替while (!cin.eof()),在检查流之前进行提取:

while (getline(cin, name))
    // ...


int main()
    for (std::string name; (cout << "Please enter your working name: ") &&
                            getline(cin >> std::ws, name);)
        if (cin.eof())
        double payRate, hours;
        cout << "nEnter your pay rate and hours worked, respectively." << endl;
        if (!(cin >> payRate >> hours))
        double fPay = calcGrossPay(payRate, hours);
        double netPay = nPay(fedTx, localTx, stateTx, ssTx, netPay, fPay);
        displayAll(fPay, netPay, name);