
comparing times from different timezone in boost

本文关键字:时区 时间 boost 比较      更新时间:2023-10-16


您可以使用Boost date_time库,该库已做好处理时区的充分准备。您的代码可能类似于:

// The device will collect the time and send it to the server
// along its timezone information (e.g., US East Coast)
ptime curr_time(second_clock::local_time());
// The server will first convert that time to UTC using the timezone information.
// Alternatively, the server may just send UTC time.
typedef boost::date_time::local_adjustor<ptime, -5, us_dst> us_eastern;
ptime utc_time = us_eastern::local_to_utc(curr_time);
// Finally the server will convert UTC time to local time (e.g., US Arizona).
typedef boost::date_time::local_adjustor<ptime, -7, no_dst> us_arizona;
ptime local_time = us_arizona::utc_to_local(utc_time);
std::cout << to_simple_string(local_time) << std::endl;
