
Append Item to Linked List

本文关键字:链接 列表 项目      更新时间:2023-10-16






   #include <iostream>
   #include "ItemStack.h"
   * An Inventory is composed of n slots. Each slot may store only
   * one type of item--specified by *slots*. 
   * <p>
   * Once all slots are filled, no additional Item types may be
   * stored. Individual slots may contain any number of the same 
   * Item.
    class Inventory{
     * Each Node represents one Inventory slot--i.e., space
    struct Node{
        ItemStack data; ///< One ItemStack
        Node *next;     ///< Next ItemStack Node
         * Create an empty *Air* Node
         * Create a Node that contains an ItemStack, *s*
        Node( ItemStack s );
    Node *first;  ///< First inventory slot
    Node *last;   ///< Last inventory slot
    int slots;    ///< Capacity
    int occupied; ///< Number of occupied slots
     * Disassembles the list for Deconstructor
    void disassemble();
     * Default to 10 slots
     * Create an inventory with n slots
     * @pre n > 0
    Inventory( int n );
     * Copy an already existing Inventory
    Inventory( const Inventory &src );
     * Destruct an Inventory
     * Add one or more items to the inventory list
     * @return true if *stack* was added and false otherwise
    bool addItems( ItemStack stack );
     * Print a Summary of the Inventory and all Items contained within
    void display( std::ostream &outs ) const;
    Inventory::Node* begin() const;
    Inventory::Node* end() const;
     * Overloaded assignment operator for Inventory
    Inventory& operator=( const Inventory &rhs );
   * Print the Inventory through use of the display member function
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &outs, const Inventory &prt)    {
   prt.display( outs );
   return outs;


    * Used to add items to the Inventory
    bool Inventory::addItems ( ItemStack stack ){
    Node* new_node = nullptr;
    // Sets new_node equal to a new node containing the current ItemStack
    new_node = new Node(stack);
    // Insert ItemStack into empty Inventory
    if(this->first == nullptr) {
        // Sets the first node in the Inventory to the new Node
        this->first = new_node;
        // Sets the last node in the Inventory to the new Node
        this->last = new_node;
        // Increase the number of occupied slots by 1
        return true;
    } else {
        // Statement that executes if the maximum number of slots in the Inventory have not been filled
        if(occupied <= slots) {
            // Sets current node to the head
            Node *curr = this->first; 
            // Sets trail node to nullptr
            Node *trail = nullptr;
            // Traverse the list
            while(curr != nullptr) { 
                // Sets the (first->next) node to the new_node (new ItemStack)
                curr->next = new_node; 
                // Sets the trail node to the current node (first)
                trail = curr;
                // Sets the current node to the node after new_node (nullptr)
                curr = new_node->next;
                return true;
            // Increase the number of occupied slots by 1
        } else {
            return false;



    Node *curr = this->first; 
    Node *temp = curr; 
    while(curr != nullptr) 
        temp = curr;
        curr = curr->next;
    temp->next = new_node;
    new_node->next = nullptr;
    last = new_node;
