
MFC Serialize doubly linked list

本文关键字:列表 链接 序列化 MFC      更新时间:2023-10-16



void CDatenbankDoc::Serialize(CArchive& ar)
    if (ar.IsStoring())
        Actual = Start;
        while (Actual)
            ar << Actual->name;
            ar << Actual->adresse;
            ar << Actual->email;
            ar << Actual->fax;
            ar << Actual->firma;
            ar << Actual->geburtsdatum;
            ar << Actual->geschlecht;
            ar << Actual->land;
            ar << Actual->ort;
            ar << Actual->plz;
            ar << Actual->telefon;
            ar << Actual->vorname;
            Actual = Actual->next;      
        Actual = Start;
        while (InsertedAll != true)
            Actual->next = new Node;
            Actual->next->previous = Actual;
            ar >> Actual->next->name;
            ar >> Actual->next->vorname;
            ar >> Actual->next->adresse;
            ar >> Actual->next->email;
            ar >> Actual->next->fax;
            ar >> Actual->next->firma;
            ar >> Actual->next->geburtsdatum;
            ar >> Actual->next->geschlecht;
            ar >> Actual->next->land;
            ar >> Actual->next->ort;
            ar >> Actual->next->plz;
            ar >> Actual->next->telefon;
            Actual = Actual->next;
            if (!Actual->next)
                InsertedAll = true;


int CDatenbankDoc::GetLinkedListSize()
  // This function returns the length of the linked list whose 1st element 
  // is pointed by the Start member.
  // The implementation is left as an exercice
void CDatenbankDoc::Serialize(CArchive& ar)
    if (ar.IsStoring())
        ar << GetLinkedListSize(Start) ;  // save size of linked list
        Actual = Start;
        while (Actual)
            ar << Actual->name;
            ar << Actual->adresse;
            Actual = Actual->next;      
        int size ;
        ar >> size ;   // get size of linked list
        Node *previous = NULL ;
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
            Node *Actual = new Node;     // assuming Node constructor inits
                                         // pointers to Null                
            if (previous)
                previous->next = actual ;
            Actual->previous = previous ;
            if (i == 0)
              Start = Actual ;
            // beware, the order of serialisation and deserialisazion must 
            // be the same during reading and writing which is not the case
            // in the code you posted !!!
            ar >> Actual->name;
            ar >> Actual->adresse;
            previous = Actual ;


您的if (!Actual->next)访问一个尚未初始化的值。