
Word search algorithm segmentation fault

本文关键字:错误 分割 搜索算法 单词      更新时间:2023-10-16

我已经在单词搜索算法上工作了很长时间,我想我做得很好,并决定测试限制。我已经创建了使文件尽可能大的程序。所以我做了一个矩阵 10000 * 10000(10000000 个字母)和从左上角到右下角的很长的单词。问题是它适用于 4000 * 4000 矩阵,但后来它变得更大,它只是崩溃。我试图评论所有其他检查以查找可能的位置并留下正确的位置,即使使用 10000 * 10000 矩阵,它也能完美运行,但一旦我添加其他检查它就会停止,我不知道为什么。有什么建议吗?


    #include <iostream>     //Might Be:
    #include <string>       // <----->
    #include <fstream>      // /-  (1)/               /(3)
    #include <new>          //  |                      /
    #include <cstdlib>      //  |                     /
                            //  |                    /
                            //  |                   /
                            //  |                  /
                            // _/       (2)/     /(4)
    using namespace std;
                                        //Loop[4] //Loop[5]
    int * Possibles(int Widht, int Height, int Poz, int Poz1, int Leng, int * Possible)
        if(Poz1 < Widht - Leng + 1) // To right
            Possible[0] = 1;
        if(Poz1 >= Leng - 1) // To left
            Possible[1] = 1;
        if(Poz <= Height - Leng) // From top to bottom
            Possible[2] = 1;
        if(Poz >= Leng) // From bottom to top
            Possible[3] = 1;
        if(Poz + Leng <= Height && Poz1 + Leng <= Widht) //(2)
            Possible[4] = 1;
        if(Poz + Leng <= Height && Poz1 - Leng + 1 >= 0) //(4)
            Possible[5] = 1;
        if(Poz - Leng + 1 >= 0 && Poz1 - Leng + 1 >= 0) //(1)
            Possible[6] = 1;
        if(Poz - Leng + 1 >= 0 && Poz1 + Leng <= Widht) //(3)
            Possible[7] = 1;
        return Possible;
    int * Zero(int * Possible)
            Possible[0] = 0;
            Possible[1] = 0;
            Possible[2] = 0;
            Possible[3] = 0;
            Possible[4] = 0;
            Possible[5] = 0;
            Possible[6] = 0;
            Possible[7] = 0;
            return Possible;
    string Next(string * NewMatrix, int Height, int Widht)
        return NewMatrix[Height].substr(Widht, 1);
    bool Find(string Word, int Poz, int Poz1, int Look, string Have, string * Matrix, int * Possible, int Backup, int Backup1)
        if(Have == Word)
            return true;
            return Possible;
        string NewLet = Word.substr(Look, 1);
        if(Possible[0] == 1)
            if(NewLet == Next(Matrix, Poz, Poz1 + 1))
                Have += NewLet;
                return Find(Word, Poz, Poz1 + 1, Look + 1, Have, Matrix, Possible, Backup, Backup1);
                Possible[0] = 0;
                Have = Word.substr(0, 1);
                return Find(Word, Backup, Backup1, 1, Have, Matrix, Possible, Backup, Backup1);
        if(Possible[1] == 1)
            if(NewLet == Next(Matrix, Poz, Poz1 - 1))
                Have += NewLet;
                return Find(Word, Poz, Poz1 - 1, Look + 1, Have, Matrix, Possible, Backup, Backup1);
                Possible[1] = 0;
                Have = Word.substr(0, 1);
                return Find(Word, Backup, Backup1, 1, Have, Matrix, Possible, Backup, Backup1);
        if(Possible[2] == 1)
            if(NewLet == Next(Matrix, Poz + 1, Poz1))
                Have += NewLet;
                return Find(Word, Poz + 1, Poz1, Look + 1, Have, Matrix, Possible, Backup, Backup1);
                Possible[2] = 0;
                Have = Word.substr(0, 1);
                return Find(Word, Backup, Backup1, 1, Have, Matrix, Possible, Backup, Backup1);
        if(Possible[3] == 1)
            if(NewLet == Next(Matrix, Poz - 1, Poz1))
                Have += NewLet;
                return Find(Word, Poz - 1, Poz1, Look + 1, Have, Matrix, Possible, Backup, Backup1);
                Possible[3] = 0;
                Have = Word.substr(0, 1);
                return Find(Word, Backup, Backup1, 1, Have, Matrix, Possible, Backup, Backup1);
        if(Possible[4] == 1)
            if(NewLet == Next(Matrix, Poz + 1, Poz1 + 1))
                Have += NewLet;
                return Find(Word, Poz + 1, Poz1 + 1, Look + 1, Have, Matrix, Possible, Backup, Backup1);
                Possible[4] = 0;
                Have = Word.substr(0, 1);
                return Find(Word, Backup, Backup1, 1, Have, Matrix, Possible, Backup, Backup1);
        if(Possible[5] == 1)
            if(NewLet == Next(Matrix, Poz + 1, Poz1 - 1))
                Have += NewLet;
                return Find(Word, Poz + 1, Poz1 - 1, Look + 1, Have, Matrix, Possible, Backup, Backup1);
                Possible[5] = 0;
                Have = Word.substr(0, 1);
                return Find(Word, Backup, Backup1, 1, Have, Matrix, Possible, Backup, Backup1);
        if(Possible[6] == 1)
            if(NewLet == Next(Matrix, Poz - 1, Poz1 - 1))
                Have += NewLet;
                return Find(Word, Poz - 1, Poz1 - 1, Look + 1, Have, Matrix, Possible, Backup, Backup1);
                Possible[6] = 0;
                Have = Word.substr(0, 1);
                return Find(Word, Backup, Backup1, 1, Have, Matrix, Possible, Backup, Backup1);
        if(Possible[7] == 1)
            if(NewLet == Next(Matrix, Poz - 1, Poz1 + 1))
                Have += NewLet;
                return Find(Word, Poz - 1, Poz1 + 1, Look + 1, Have, Matrix, Possible, Backup, Backup1);
                Possible[7] = 0;
                Have = Word.substr(0, 1);
                return Find(Word, Backup, Backup1, 1, Have, Matrix, Possible, Backup, Backup1);
        return false;
    string Diro(int * Possible)
        string Dir;
        bool Next = true;
        if(Possible[0] == 1 && Next == true)
            Dir = " From right to left";
            Next = false;
        if(Possible[1] == 1 && Next == true)
            Dir = " From left to right";
            Next = false;
        if(Possible[2] == 1 && Next == true)
            Dir = " From top to bottom";
            Next = false;
        if(Possible[3] == 1 && Next == true)
            Dir = " From bottom to top";
            Next = false;
        if(Possible[4] == 1 && Next == true)
            Dir = " ";
            Next = false;
        if(Possible[5] == 1 && Next == true)
            Dir = " ";
            Next = false;
        if(Possible[6] == 1 && Next == true)
            Dir = " ";
            Next = false;
        if(Possible[7] == 1 && Next == true)
            Dir = " ";
            Next = false;
        return Dir;
    int main()
        int Height = 0, Widht = 0, Numb = 0;
        int Loop[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
        int * Possible = new int[8];
        string Dir, Search, Tempo, Temp;
        ifstream Data("C:/Users/Magician/AppData/Local/VirtualStore/Program Files (x86)/CodeBlocks/MakeMaze/Files/Maze.txt");
        Data >> Widht >> Height;
        string * NewMatrix = new string[Height];
        while(Loop[7] < Height)
            Tempo = "";
            Loop[8] = 0;
            while(Loop[8] < Widht)
                Data >> Temp;
                Tempo += Temp;
            NewMatrix[Loop[7]] = Tempo;
        Data >> Numb;
        string * Words = new string[Numb];
        while(Loop[2] < Numb)
            Data >> Words[Loop[2]];
        while(Loop[3] < Numb)
            Search = Words[Loop[3]].substr(0, 1);
            Loop[4] = 0;
            while(Loop[4] < Height)
                Loop[5] = 0;
                while(Loop[5] < Widht)
                    if(NewMatrix[Loop[4]].substr(Loop[5], 1) == Search)
                        Possibles(Widht, Height, Loop[4], Loop[5], Words[Loop[3]].size(), Possible);
                        if(Find(Words[Loop[3]], Loop[4], Loop[5], 1, Search, NewMatrix, Possible, Loop[4], Loop[5]))
                            cout << Words[Loop[3]] << " At: " << Loop[4] + 1 << " collumn, symbol " << Loop[5] + 1 << " " << Diro(Possible) << endl;
                            Loop[5] = Widht;
                            Loop[4] = Height;
        delete [] Possible;
        delete [] Words;
        delete [] NewMatrix;
        return 0;

如果你不明白我之前写的内容:当我评论每一个if(可能[] == )除了函数 Find() 算法中的 if(可能[5] == 1) 工作,然后所有允许它都不起作用。我尝试过使用 100 * 100 矩阵,有很多单词要找到,一切都很好。

  1. Possibles中的一个条件不正确:

    /* INCORRECT: Should be  [ Poz >= Leng - 1 ] */
    if(Poz >= Leng) // From bottom to top
        Possible[3] = 1;


  2. 看起来您遇到了堆栈溢出。

    让我们做一个简单的计算。对于 10000 * 10000 矩阵和 10000 字长的矩阵,如果在矩阵的左上角开始调用Find(),则可能有三个方向。在最坏的情况下,Find()将遍历大约 10000*3 个元素。请注意,Func()有 3 个字符串实例(sizeof(string) == 24 在 32 位 VC2013 中),以及各种整数。单个帧的大小很容易超过 100 字节。由于您使用的是递归调用,这可能会导致堆栈使用量至少为 10000 * 3 * 100 = 30000000字节 = 约 3M。

    这个数字不是很大,但足以满足堆栈溢出,因为Windows的默认堆栈大小为1M http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/8cxs58a6.aspx。


这是我用来解决这类matrix traversal问题的模式。


const int delta[8][2] = {
    { 1, 0 }, { 1, 1 }, { 0, 1 }, { -1, 1 },
    { -1, 0 }, { -1, -1 }, { 0, -1 }, { 1, -1 }


int initial_x = .., initial_y = ..;
for (int dir = 0; dir < 8; dir++) {
    for (int count = 0; count < WORD_LENGTH; count++) {
        int current_x = initial_x + delta[dir][0] * count;
        int current_y = initial_y + delta[dir][1] * count;
        if (IS_INVALID(current_x, current_y)) {


另一个提示:您可以使用char类型来获取和比较字符串中的单个字符(使用 word[idx] 获取word的第idx个字符)。这可能比使用 substr 快得多。