
Reordering Variadic Parameters

本文关键字:排序 新排序 变参 参数      更新时间:2023-10-16

我遇到了需要对提供给结构构造函数的参数的可变参数列表进行重新排序的需要。根据其类型重新排序后,参数将存储为元组。我的问题是如何做到这一点,以便现代C++编译器(例如 g++-4.7 )不会生成不必要的加载或存储指令。也就是说,当使用可变大小的参数列表调用构造函数时,它会根据参数类型的排序有效地将每个参数推送到位。

这是一个具体的例子。假设每个参数(没有引用、右值引用、指针或限定符)的基本类型为 charintfloat 。我怎样才能使基本类型的所有参数char首先出现,然后是基本类型int的所有参数(将基本类型的参数留在最后float)。在同类基类型的子列表中,不应违反给出参数的相对顺序。

示例:foo::foo() 是使用参数float a, char&& b, const float& c, int&& d, char e调用的。元组元组是std::tuple<char, char, int, float, float>的,它的构造是这样的:tuple_type{std::move(b), e, std::move(d), a, c}


template <class... Args> struct foo
    // Assume that the metafunction deduce_reordered_tuple_type is defined.
    typedef typename deduce_reordered_tuple_type<Args...>::type tuple_type;
    tuple_type t_;
    foo(Args&&... args) : t_{reorder_and_forward_parameters<Args>(args)...} {}

编辑 1我上面描述的技术确实在数学框架中得到了应用,这些框架大量使用表达式模板、可变参数模板和元编程来执行积极的内联。假设您希望定义一个运算符,该运算符采用多个表达式的乘积,每个表达式都可以通过引用、对 const 的引用或右值引用传递。(在我的例子中,表达式是条件概率表,运算是因子乘积,但像矩阵乘法这样的东西也适合。

您需要访问每个表达式提供的数据才能评估产品。因此,必须移动作为右值引用传递的表达式,将通过引用传递的表达式复制到 const,并获取通过引用传递的表达式的地址。使用我上面描述的技术现在有几个好处。

  1. 其他表达式可以使用统一语法从此表达式访问数据元素,因为所有繁重的元编程工作都是在类中预先完成的。
  2. 我们可以通过将指针分组在一起并将较大的表达式存储在元组的末尾来节省堆栈空间。
  3. 实现某些类型的查询变得更加容易(例如,检查元组中存储的任何指针是否使给定指针别名)。



事实证明,g++-4.7 在初始化方面非常棒,并根据我的测试创建相同的机器代码(重现结果的说明在代码下方)。

#include <iostream>
#include <tuple>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <type_traits>
template <class... Args>
struct sequence
    typedef std::tuple<Args...> tuple_type;
template <class U, class V>
struct sequence_cat;
template <class... U, class... V>
struct sequence_cat<sequence<U...>, sequence<V...>>
    typedef sequence<U..., V...> type;
template <class... V>
struct sequence_cat<void, sequence<V...>>
    typedef sequence<V...> type;
template <class... U>
struct sequence_cat<sequence<U...>, void>
    typedef sequence<U...> type;
template <>
struct sequence_cat<void, void>
    typedef void type;
template <class T>
struct undecorate
    typedef typename std::remove_reference<T>::type noref_type;
    typedef typename std::remove_pointer<noref_type>::type noptr_type;
    typedef typename std::remove_cv<noptr_type>::type type;
template <class T>
struct deduce_storage_type
    typedef T type;
template <class T>
struct deduce_storage_type<T&>
    typedef T* type;
template <class T>
struct deduce_storage_type<const T&>
    typedef T type;
template <class T>
struct deduce_storage_type<T&&>
    typedef T type;
template <class T, class... Args>
struct filter_type;
template <class T, class Arg, class... Args>
struct filter_type<T, Arg, Args...>
    static constexpr bool pred = 
    std::is_same<typename undecorate<Arg>::type, T>::value;
    typedef typename deduce_storage_type<Arg>::type storage_type;
    typedef typename
        typename sequence_cat<
            typename filter_type<T, Args...>::type
        typename filter_type<T, Args...>::type
    >::type type;       
template <class T, class Arg>
struct filter_type<T, Arg>
    static constexpr bool pred =
    std::is_same<typename undecorate<Arg>::type, T>::value;
    typedef typename deduce_storage_type<Arg>::type storage_type;
    typedef typename
    std::conditional<pred, sequence<storage_type>, void>::type
template <class... Args>
struct deduce_sequence_type
    typedef typename filter_type<char, Args...>::type char_sequence;
    typedef typename filter_type<int, Args...>::type int_sequence;
    typedef typename filter_type<float, Args...>::type float_sequence;
    typedef typename
        typename sequence_cat<
    >::type type;
template <class T>
struct get_storage_type
    static T apply(T t) { return t; }
template <class T>
struct get_storage_type<T&>
    static T* apply(T& t) { return &t; }
template <class T>
struct get_storage_type<const T&>
    static T apply(const T& t) { return t; }
template <class T>
struct get_storage_type<T&&>
    static T&& apply(T&& t) { return std::move(t); }
template <class T, class Arg>
struct equals_undecorated_type
    static constexpr bool value =
    std::is_same<typename undecorate<Arg>::type, T>::value;
template <bool Pred, bool IsNextVoid, class T, class... Args>
struct filter_parameter_impl;
template <class T, class Arg1, class Arg2, class... Args>
struct filter_parameter_impl<false, false, T, Arg1, Arg2, Args...>
    typedef typename filter_type<T, Arg2, Args...>::type sequence_type;
    typedef typename sequence_type::tuple_type tuple_type;
    static constexpr bool pred = equals_undecorated_type<T, Arg2>::value;
    static constexpr bool is_next_next_void =
    std::is_same<typename filter_type<T, Args...>::type, void>::value;
    static tuple_type apply(Arg1&&, Arg2&& arg2, Args&&... args)
        return filter_parameter_impl<
            pred, is_next_next_void, T, Arg2, Args...
template <class T, class Arg1, class Arg2, class... Args>
struct filter_parameter_impl<false, true, T, Arg1, Arg2, Args...>
    static void apply(Arg1&&, Arg2&&, Args&&...) {}
template <class T, class Arg1, class Arg2, class... Args>
struct filter_parameter_impl<true, false, T, Arg1, Arg2, Args...>
    typedef typename
    filter_type<T, Arg1, Arg2, Args...>::type
    typedef typename sequence_type::tuple_type tuple_type;
    static constexpr bool pred = equals_undecorated_type<T, Arg2>::value;
    static constexpr bool is_next_next_void =
    std::is_same<typename filter_type<T, Args...>::type, void>::value;
    static tuple_type apply(Arg1&& arg1, Arg2&& arg2, Args&&... args)
        return std::tuple_cat(
                pred, is_next_next_void, T, Arg2, Args...
template <class T, class Arg1, class Arg2, class... Args>
struct filter_parameter_impl<true, true, T, Arg1, Arg2, Args...>
    typedef typename filter_type<T, Arg1>::type sequence_type;
    typedef typename sequence_type::tuple_type tuple_type;
    static tuple_type apply(Arg1&& arg1, Arg2&&, Args&&...)
        return std::make_tuple(get_storage_type<Arg1>::apply(
template <class T, class Arg1, class Arg2>
struct filter_parameter_impl<false, false, T, Arg1, Arg2>
    typedef typename filter_type<T, Arg2>::type sequence_type;
    typedef typename sequence_type::tuple_type tuple_type;
    static tuple_type apply(Arg1&&, Arg2&& arg2)
        return std::make_tuple(get_storage_type<Arg2>::apply(
template <class T, class Arg1, class Arg2>
struct filter_parameter_impl<false, true, T, Arg1, Arg2>
    static void apply(Arg1&&, Arg2&&) {}
template <class T, class Arg1, class Arg2>
struct filter_parameter_impl<true, false, T, Arg1, Arg2>
    typedef typename filter_type<T, Arg1>::type sequence_type;
    typedef typename sequence_type::tuple_type tuple_type;
    static tuple_type apply(Arg1&& arg1, Arg2&& arg2)
        return std::make_tuple(
template <class T, class Arg1, class Arg2>
struct filter_parameter_impl<true, true, T, Arg1, Arg2>
    typedef typename filter_type<T, Arg1, Arg2>::type sequence_type;
    typedef typename sequence_type::tuple_type tuple_type;
    static tuple_type apply(Arg1&& arg1, Arg2&&)
        return std::make_tuple(
template <class T, class... Args>
struct filter_parameter;
template <class T, class Arg, class... Args>
struct filter_parameter<T, Arg, Args...>
    typedef typename filter_type<T, Arg, Args...>::type sequence_type;
    typedef typename std::conditional<
        std::is_same<sequence_type, void>::value,
        typename sequence_type::tuple_type
    >::type tuple_type;
    static constexpr bool pred = equals_undecorated_type<T, Arg>::value;
    static constexpr bool is_next_void =
    std::is_same<typename filter_type<T, Args...>::type, void>::value;
    static tuple_type apply(Arg&& arg, Args&&... args)
        return filter_parameter_impl<
            pred, is_next_void, T, Arg, Args...
        >::apply(std::forward<Arg>(arg), std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template <bool Is1Void, bool Is2Void, bool Is3Void, class... Args>
struct get_tuple_impl;
template <class... Args>
struct get_tuple_impl<false, false, false, Args...>
    typedef typename deduce_sequence_type<Args...>::type sequence_type;
    typedef typename sequence_type::tuple_type tuple_type;
    static tuple_type apply(Args&&... args)
        return std::tuple_cat(
            filter_parameter<char, Args...>::apply(
            filter_parameter<int, Args...>::apply(
            filter_parameter<float, Args...>::apply(
template <class... Args>
struct get_tuple
    typedef typename deduce_sequence_type<Args...>::type sequence_type;
    typedef typename std::conditional<
        std::is_same<sequence_type, void>::value,
        typename sequence_type::tuple_type
    >::type tuple_type;
    static constexpr bool is1void =
    std::is_same<typename filter_type<char, Args...>::type, void>::value;
    static constexpr bool is2void =
    std::is_same<typename filter_type<int, Args...>::type, void>::value;
    static constexpr bool is3void =
    std::is_same<typename filter_type<float, Args...>::type, void>::value;
    static tuple_type apply(Args&&... args)
        return get_tuple_impl<is1void, is2void, is3void, Args...>::
template <class... Args>
struct foo
    typedef typename deduce_sequence_type<Args...>::type sequence_type;
    typedef typename sequence_type::tuple_type tuple_type;
    tuple_type t_;
    foo(Args&&... args) : t_{} {}
int main()
    char a = 5;
    const int b = 6;
    float c = 7;
    int d = 8;
    float e = 9;
    char f = 10;
    auto x = get_tuple<char&, const int&, float&, int&, float&&, char&>::
        apply(a, b, c, d, std::move(e), f);
    //std::tuple<char*, char*, int, int*, float*, float> x{&a, &f, b, &d, &c, std::move(f)};
    std::cout << typeid(x).name() << std::endl;
    return 0;

为了重现结果,请执行以下操作(假设您安装了 g++-4.7)。

g++ -std=c++11 -Wall -Ofast -march=native variadic_reorder.cpp -S -o with_templates.s
// Comment out the line in main, and comment the line containing auto x, as well as the line below it.
g++ -std=c++11 -Wall -Ofast -march=native variadic_reorder.cpp -S -o without_templates.s
vimdiff with_templates.s without_templates.s


编辑 1我会接受我自己的答案,直到别人发布比我更优雅的东西。


另一方面,它不太可能将参数提升到寄存器并绕过简单函数的堆栈。只要元组仅用作纯值(不进行引用),就没有什么是真正保证的,因为在 as-if 规则下,其成员不需要有任何地址。


左值引用由 ABI 作为指针实现,但你指定将它们分组为数据值。如果要遵循本机传递语义,则应将右值引用与左值引用视为相同。(我假设你只会移动类类型。因此,排序问题比所述稍微复杂一些,因为您希望将参数排序为值和指针类别,然后按基类型对其进行排序。

至于排序算法本身,我会尝试从输入包中弹出并推送到一组队列样式的输出元组,然后用 std::tuple_cat 连接输出元组。这将是最容易实现的,稳定的,并且应该达到编译器的常见情况优化。不要实现旨在在内存中就地运行的算法,因为 TMP 不能像那样工作。

