
Constructor overloading and default parameters

本文关键字:参数 默认 重载 构造函数      更新时间:2023-10-16



// item.hpp
class Item
    std::string title;
    std::string author;
    unsigned int year;
    std::string notes;
    Item(const std::string &t,
         const std::string &a,
         const unsigned int y = 0,
         const std::string &n = "")
    : title{t}, author{a}, year{y}, notes{n}
    { };

现在我有一个派生类:"Book",我正在尝试编写构造函数,但不断收到"调用 Book 的构造函数不明确"的错误

// book.hpp
class Book : public Item
    unsigned int pages;
    std::string series;
    // Fill only the fields for Item
    Book(const std::string &t,
         const std::string &a,
         const unsigned int y = 0,
         const std::string &n = "")
    : Item(t, a, y, n)
    { };
    // Fill all the fields for Book
    Book(const std::string &t,
         const std::string &a,
         const unsigned int y = 0,
         const std::string &n = "",
         const unsigned int p = 0,
         const std::string &s = "")
    : Item(t, a, y, n), pages{p}, series{s}
    { };
    // Maybe there's no notes
    Book(const std::string &t,
         const std::string &a,
         const unsigned int y = 0,
         const unsigned int p = 0,
         const std::string &s = "")
    : Item(t, a, y), pages{p}, series{s}
    { };


Book b("a", "b");




编辑:我也曾想过建造空对象,稍后b.member = whatever填充所有成员,但这似乎不是很好。



发生这种情况是因为您有 2 个或更多 Book 个可以使用 Book("a", "b") 调用的构造函数。此问题与默认参数没有直接关系。即使其中一个构造函数具有所有参数的默认值,也会发生此错误。应该只有一个可以使用两个字符串调用的构造函数。


// Can be called with two string args:
Book(const std::string &t = "",
     const std::string &a = "")
: Item(t, a, 0, "")
{ };
// This can also be called with two string args:
Book(const std::string &t,
     const std::string &a = "")
: Item(t, a, 0, "")
{ };

从设计的角度来看,您的 3 个构造函数似乎是多余的,它们或多或少具有相同的参数和不同的顺序。在您的情况下,解决方案将仅使用一个具有最多参数的构造函数,并组合所有可能的参数。对默认参数进行排序,以便最常用的参数位于参数列表中的较低索引中。

我个人讨厌有很多参数的函数和构造函数。如果参数数量达到大约 5 个或更多,我通常推荐以下模式:

创建一个结构,其中包含作为成员变量的函数调用的所有参数。将结构体的 const 引用作为构造函数或函数的唯一参数传递给:

struct SBookInfo
    std::string t;
    std::string a;
    unsigned int y;
    std::string n;
        y = 0;
    // TODO: provide static NAMED factory
    // methods that don't have thousands of arguments
    static SBookInfo CreateWhatever(unsigned int _y=0)
        SBookInfo info;
        info.a = "whatever";
        info.t = "woof";
        info.y = _y;
        return info;
// Book constructor
Book(const SBookInfo& info);


// With this pattern you can give default value to any args.
// The user of the constructor can specify the args in any order.
SBookInfo info;
info.y = 6;
info.a = "woof";
info.t = "woof";
Book book(info);
// For some special cases the info struct can have NAMED
// factory methods that makes the code more readable.
Book book2(SBookInfo.CreateWhatever(5));
// The above code is much more obvious to read than
// the original. By reading this code who could tell
// me the name of the 3rd argument where we pass 6 to the ctor?
// Book book("woof", "woof", 6);
// And it would become even cleaner with growing number of args.

另一个建议:永远不要使用at等名称。避免更简单的速记。只是不值得节省输入几个字符。无论如何,对于现代 IDE,您只需在第一次命名标识符时键入名称,以后的自动完成可帮助您避免键入。


Book(const std::string &t,
     const std::string &a)
: Book(t, a, 0, "")
{ }
Book(const std::string &t,
     const std::string &a,
     const unsigned int y,
     const unsigned int p = 0,
     const std::string &s = "")
: Book(t, a, y, "", p, s)
{ }
Book(const std::string &t,
     const std::string &a,
     const unsigned int y,
     const std::string &n,
     const unsigned int p = 0,
     const std::string &s = "")
: Item(t, a, y, n), pages{p}, series{s}
{ }


Book(const std::string &t,
     const std::string &a)
: Item(t, a), pages{0}, series{""}
{ }
Book(const std::string &t,
     const std::string &a,
     const unsigned int y,
     const unsigned int p = 0,
     const std::string &s = "")
: Item(t, a, y), pages{p}, series{s}
{ }
Book(const std::string &t,
     const std::string &a,
     const unsigned int y,
     const std::string &n,
     const unsigned int p = 0,
     const std::string &s = "")
: Item(t, a, y, n), pages{p}, series{s}
{ }
class Item {
    std::string mTitle;
    std::string mAuthor;
    std::string mNotes;
    unsigned int mYear;
    Item( const std::string& title, const std::string& author, unsigned int year = 0, const std::string& notes = std::string() );        
Item::Item( const std::string& title, const std::string& author, unsigned int year, const std::string& notes ) :
mTitle( title ),
mAuthor( author ),
mYear( year ),
mNotes( notes ) {
} // Item
class Book : public Item {
    std::string mSeries;
    unsigned int mPages;
    Book( const std::string& title, const std::string& author, unsigned int year = 0, unsigned int pages = 0,  const std::string& series = 0, const std::string& notes = std::string() );       
Book::Book( const std::string& title, const std::string& author, unsigned int year, unsigned int pages, const std::string& series, std::string& notes ) :
Item( title, author, year, notes ),
mSeries( series ),
mPages( pages ) {
} // Book

现在,我确实使 Item 的成员受到保护,以便任何派生类(如 Book)都可以直接访问它们,并且 Book I 中的成员设为私有,因此您需要访问器函数或方法来修改或从外部对象或代码源检索这些成员。


int main() {
    // Different Ways To Call this using default parameters
    Book b1( "Fellowship of the Ring", "Tolkien", 1958, 387, "Lord of the Rings" ); // No Notes
    Book b2( "Apostle of John" "John", 27, 80, std::string() or " ", "A book of the New Testament found in the Holy Bible" ); // Notes, but not series.
    return 0;
} // main