OpenMP - 在每次循环迭代中启动一个新线程

OpenMP - Starting a new thread in each loop iteration

本文关键字:新线程 线程 一个 启动 循环 迭代 OpenMP      更新时间:2023-10-16



for(int i=0; i<50; i++)
   thread t;
   t.start(callback(i)); //each time around the loop create a thread to execute callback

我想我知道如何在 c++11 中做到这一点,但我需要能够使用 OpenMP 完成类似的事情。

最接近您想要的是 OpenMP 任务,可在 OpenMP v3.0 和更高版本的兼容编译器中使用。它就像:

#pragma omp parallel
    #pragma omp single
    for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
        #pragma omp task

此代码将使循环仅在一个线程中执行,并将创建 50 个 OpenMP 任务,这些任务将使用不同的参数调用callback()。然后,它将等待所有任务完成,然后再退出并行区域。任务将由要执行的空闲线程选取(可能是随机的)。OpenMP 在每个并行区域的末尾施加了一个隐式屏障,因为其分叉连接执行模型要求只有主线程在并行区域之外运行。


#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <omp.h>
void callback (int i)
   printf("[%02d] Task stated with thread %dn", i, omp_get_thread_num());
   printf("[%02d] Task finishedn", i);
int main (void)
   #pragma omp parallel
      #pragma omp single
      for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
         #pragma omp task
         printf("Task %d createdn", i);
   printf("Parallel region endedn");
   return 0;


$ g++ -fopenmp -o ompt.x ompt.cpp
$ OMP_NUM_THREADS=4 ./ompt.x
Task 0 created
Task 1 created
Task 2 created
[01] Task stated with thread 3
[02] Task stated with thread 2
Task 3 created
Task 4 created
Task 5 created
Task 6 created
Task 7 created
[00] Task stated with thread 1
Task 8 created
Task 9 created
[03] Task stated with thread 0
[01] Task finished
[02] Task finished
[05] Task stated with thread 2
[04] Task stated with thread 3
[00] Task finished
[06] Task stated with thread 1
[03] Task finished
[07] Task stated with thread 0
[05] Task finished
[08] Task stated with thread 2
[04] Task finished
[09] Task stated with thread 3
[06] Task finished
[07] Task finished
[08] Task finished
[09] Task finished
Parallel region ended


GCC 不支持低于 4.4 的版本中的 OpenMP 3.0。无法识别的 OpenMP 指令将被静默忽略,生成的可执行文件将以串行方式将该代码部分:

$ g++-4.3 -fopenmp -o ompt.x ompt.cpp
$ OMP_NUM_THREADS=4 ./ompt.x
[00] Task stated with thread 3
[00] Task finished
Task 0 created
[01] Task stated with thread 3
[01] Task finished
Task 1 created
[02] Task stated with thread 3
[02] Task finished
Task 2 created
[03] Task stated with thread 3
[03] Task finished
Task 3 created
[04] Task stated with thread 3
[04] Task finished
Task 4 created
[05] Task stated with thread 3
[05] Task finished
Task 5 created
[06] Task stated with thread 3
[06] Task finished
Task 6 created
[07] Task stated with thread 3
[07] Task finished
Task 7 created
[08] Task stated with thread 3
[08] Task finished
Task 8 created
[09] Task stated with thread 3
[09] Task finished
Task 9 created
Parallel region ended


#pragma omp for

是你的朋友。OpenMP 不需要您考虑线程。您只需声明(!)您想要并行运行的内容,OpenMP 兼容编译器就会在编译时在代码中执行所需的转换。



#pragma omp parallel for
for(int i=0; i<50; i++)
   thread t;
   t.start(callback(i)); //each time around the loop create a thread to execute callback

for 循环中的所有内容都是并行运行的。您必须注意数据依赖性。'doStuff()' 函数在您的伪代码中按顺序运行,但在我的示例中将并行运行。您还需要指定哪些变量是线程私有的,以及类似的东西也会进入 #pragma 语句。