
How do you print out a linked list of the following implementation in C++?

本文关键字:实现 链接 列表 C++ 打印      更新时间:2023-10-16

我刚刚完成了制作链表的程序,也应该打印出内容。 它编译正确,似乎可以制作链表,但似乎没有打印出任何东西。 关于我在这里做错了什么的任何建议?

#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

struct DeltaTimerNode
    int timerInterval;
    DeltaTimerNode *next;
    DeltaTimerNode(int tempTimeInt, DeltaTimerNode *tempNext = NULL)
        timerInterval = tempTimeInt;
        next = tempNext;

DeltaTimerNode *deltaTimerList = NULL;
void insert(int deltaTimerValue)
    deltaTimerList = new DeltaTimerNode (deltaTimerValue, deltaTimerList);

int main()
    int tickTime;
    char choice;
    vector<int> rawTimers;
//int i = 0; Originally used for tracking something.  Moved logic to different function.

        cout<< "Input timer value (not delta timer)." << endl;
        cin >> tickTime; //Input regular value of timer, not the delta time.  That will be converted automatically.
        cout<< "Are there more timer values?  Input y for yes, n for no."<<endl;
        cin >> choice;
    while(choice == 'y');

    sort (rawTimers.begin(), rawTimers.end());
    DeltaTimerNode *deltaTimerList = NULL;
    for (int j = 0; j < rawTimers.size(); j++) //for loop populates list.
        if (j == 0)
            insert (rawTimers[0]);
            insert (rawTimers[j] - rawTimers[j-1]);

    DeltaTimerNode *ptr = deltaTimerList;
    while (ptr != NULL)
        cout << ptr -> timerInterval << " "; //should print out stuff here.
        ptr = ptr -> next;
    return 0;   

您声明了一个局部变量deltaTimerList并遮蔽了 gloval 变量deltaTimerList。删除有害声明

DeltaTimerNode *deltaTimerList = NULL;




#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
struct DeltaTimerNode
    int timerInterval;
    DeltaTimerNode *next;
int main()
int tickTime;
char choice;
vector<int> rawTimers;
    cout << "Input timer value (not delta timer)." << endl;
    cin >> tickTime; //Input regular value of timer, not the delta time.  That will be converted automatically.
    cout << "Are there more timer values?  Input y for yes, n for no." << endl;
    cin >> choice;
} while (choice == 'y');
sort(rawTimers.begin(), rawTimers.end());
DeltaTimerNode deltaTimerList;
DeltaTimerNode* head = &deltaTimerList;
for (int j = 0; j < rawTimers.size(); j++) //for loop populates list.
    if (j == 0)
        head->timerInterval = rawTimers[j];
        head->next = new DeltaTimerNode();
        head = head->next;
        head->timerInterval = rawTimers[j] - rawTimers[j - 1];
        head->next = new DeltaTimerNode();
        head = head->next;
head = &deltaTimerList;
while (head->next != NULL)
    cout << head->timerInterval << " "; //should print out stuff here.
    head = head->next;
return 0;
