
Does abs(unsigned long) make any sense?

本文关键字:什么 无符号 abs      更新时间:2023-10-16


#include <stdlib.h>
unsigned long a, b;
// Calculate values for a and b
unsigned long c;
c = abs(a - b);

这条线有什么比c = a - b;更有趣的事情吗?这两个选项是否调用了未定义或实现定义的行为,是否有其他潜在的陷阱?请注意,包含 C <stdlib.h>,而不是<cstdlib>



c = (a > b) ? a - b : b - a;

c = max(a, b) - min(a, b);

如果低于零将回绕(效果类似于添加 2大小(无符号长)* CHAR_BIT


namespace MyUtils {
  template<typename T>
  T diff(const T&a, const T&b) {
    return (a > b) ? (a - b) : (b - a);


int       abs( int n );
long      abs( long n );
long long abs( long long n ); //    (since C++11)
//Defined in header <cinttypes>
std::intmax_t abs( std::intmax_t n ); //    (since C++11)


float       abs( float arg );
double      abs( double arg );
long double abs( long double arg );

如果您注意到,每个函数的参数和返回类型都signed 。因此,如果将无符号类型传递给这些函数之一,则会发生隐式转换unsigned T1 -> signed T2 -> unsigned T1(其中T1T2可能相同,并且在您的情况下long T1)。将无符号整数转换为有符号整数时,如果无法在有符号类型中表示,则行为取决于实现。

4.7 积分转换 [积分]

  1. 如果目标类型为无符号,则结果值最小 与源整数全等的无符号整数(模 2n,其中 n 为 用于表示无符号类型的位数)。[ 注:在 二的补码表示,这种转换是概念性的和 位模式没有变化(如果没有截断)。— 尾注]
  2. 如果
  3. 目标类型是有符号的,则值保持不变(如果可以 以目标类型(和位域宽度)表示;否则 该值是实现定义的。

你是否认为它有意义,但是应用于无符号值abs()当然可以返回传递的值以外的值。 这是因为abs()接受int参数并返回int值。


#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
    unsigned u1 = 0x98765432;
    printf("u1 = 0x%.8X; abs(u1) = 0x%.8Xn", u1, abs(u1));
    unsigned long u2 = 0x9876543201234567UL;
    printf("u2 = 0x%.16lX; abs(u2) = 0x%.16lXn", u2, labs(u2));
    return 0;

当编译为 C 或 C++ 时(在 Mac OS X 10.10.1 Yosemite 上使用 GCC 4.9.1),它会产生:

u1 = 0x98765432; abs(u1) = 0x6789ABCE
u2 = 0x9876543201234567; abs(u2) = 0x6789ABCDFEDCBA99



当您使用 C++ 标头而不是问题中显示的 C 标头编译此代码时,它将无法编译并出现不明确的调用错误:

#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main(void)
    unsigned u1 = 0x98765432;
    cout << "u1 = 0x" << hex << u1 << "; abs(u1) = 0x" << hex << abs(u1) << "n";
    unsigned long u2 = 0x9876543201234567UL;
    cout << "u2 = 0x" << hex << u2 << "; abs(u2) = 0x" << hex << abs(u2) << "n";
    return 0;


absuns2.cpp: In function ‘int main()’:
absuns2.cpp:8:72: error: call of overloaded ‘abs(unsigned int&)’ is ambiguous
     cout << "u1 = 0x" << hex << u1 << "; abs(u1) = 0x" << hex << abs(u1) << "n";
absuns2.cpp:8:72: note: candidates are:
In file included from /usr/gcc/v4.9.1/include/c++/4.9.1/cstdlib:72:0,
                 from absuns2.cpp:1:
/usr/include/stdlib.h:129:6: note: int abs(int)
 int  abs(int) __pure2;
In file included from absuns2.cpp:1:0:
/usr/gcc/v4.9.1/include/c++/4.9.1/cstdlib:174:3: note: long long int std::abs(long long int)
   abs(long long __x) { return __builtin_llabs (__x); }
/usr/gcc/v4.9.1/include/c++/4.9.1/cstdlib:166:3: note: long int std::abs(long int)
   abs(long __i) { return __builtin_labs(__i); }
absuns2.cpp:10:72: error: call of overloaded ‘abs(long unsigned int&)’ is ambiguous
     cout << "u2 = 0x" << hex << u2 << "; abs(u2) = 0x" << hex << abs(u2) << "n";
absuns2.cpp:10:72: note: candidates are:
In file included from /usr/gcc/v4.9.1/include/c++/4.9.1/cstdlib:72:0,
                 from absuns2.cpp:1:
/usr/include/stdlib.h:129:6: note: int abs(int)
 int  abs(int) __pure2;
In file included from absuns2.cpp:1:0:
/usr/gcc/v4.9.1/include/c++/4.9.1/cstdlib:174:3: note: long long int std::abs(long long int)
   abs(long long __x) { return __builtin_llabs (__x); }
/usr/gcc/v4.9.1/include/c++/4.9.1/cstdlib:166:3: note: long int std::abs(long int)
   abs(long __i) { return __builtin_labs(__i); }

因此,问题中的代码仅在仅使用 C 样式标头时编译;当使用 C++ 标头时不会编译。 如果添加<stdlib.h><cstdlib>,则存在额外的重载,可以使调用更加模糊。



#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main(void)
    unsigned u1 = 0x98765432;
    cout << "u1 = 0x" << hex << u1 << "; abs(u1) = 0x" << hex << abs(static_cast<int>(u1)) << "n";
    unsigned long u2 = 0x9876543201234567UL;
    cout << "u2 = 0x" << hex << u2 << "; abs(u2) = 0x" << hex << abs(static_cast<long>(u2)) << "n";
    return 0;


u1 = 0x98765432; abs(u1) = 0x6789abce
u2 = 0x9876543201234567; abs(u2) = 0x6789abcdfedcba99

道德:不要使用C++代码中C++等效项的 C 标头;请改用 C++ 标头。


当 c=a-b 为负数时,如果 c 是无符号数,c 不是准确的答案。使用 abs 来保证 c 是一个正数。
