
lifetime of std::string passed as argument

本文关键字:参数传递 字符串 std 生存期      更新时间:2023-10-16

我想确保我理解正确。 在下面的 c++ 函数中,三个实例将创建 std::string:

  • 一个用于 caller() 中的 s1,通过我认为称为赋值构造函数
  • 一个用于 callee() 函数的 s2 参数,通过它的复制构造函数
  • 一个用于 S3 通过其复制构造函数

我说的对吗? 如果是这样,当这三个实例超出范围时,它们是否会被清理? 我并不是真的在问这是否是好代码,只是我的理解是否正确。

void caller(void) {
    std::string s1 = "hi";
void callee(std::string s2) {
    std::string s3 = s2;


void caller(void) {
    std::string s1 = "hi";
    //theoretically, s1 is copied here
    //in practice, the compiler will optimize the call away
void callee(std::string s2) {
    //although s2 is passed by value, it's probably no copy was created
    //most likely, it's exactly the same as s1 from the calling context
    std::string s3 = s2;




void caller(void) {
    //A temporary std::string is constructed with the
    //basic_string(const CharT* s, const Allocator& alloc = Allocator())
    //(In the call, `s` is initialized to point to the first element of "hi".)
    //This temporary is then move constructed in to s1.
    //The move constructor is
    //basic_string(basic_string&& other)
    //This move construction may be elided.
    std::string s1 = "hi"; //At the end of the full expression (ie, at the semicolon)
                           //the lifetime of the temporary string ends (unless
                           //the construction of s1 is elided, in which
                           //case the temporary becomes s1, and its lifetime ends
                           //with s1).
    //s2 is copy constructed from s1
    //The copy constructor is
    //basic_string(const basic_string& other)
    //the lifetime of s1 ends
void callee(std::string s2) {
    //s3 is copy constructed from s2
    std::string s3 = s2;
    //the lifetime of s3 ends
    //the lifetime of s2 ends