
how to check program is writing to terminal

本文关键字:终端 检查程序 是否      更新时间:2023-10-16

这是我在代码审查上发布的问题的后续 - 终端上的彩色输出,我试图在终端上输出彩色字符串并通过isatty()调用检测它。然而,正如@Jerry棺材所指出的——

您可以使用 isatty 检查标准输出是否连接到终端,无论您要写入什么流。这意味着其余函数只有在将std::cout作为它们要写入的流传递时才能正常工作。否则,您可以在写入非 TTY 的内容时允许格式设置,并且可以在写入 TTY 内容时禁止格式化。

这是我不知道的事情(阅读为没有经验),我什至不知道cin/cout可以重定向到其他地方的事实。所以我试图阅读更多关于它的信息,并发现了一些关于 SO 的现有问题。这是我一起破解的内容:

// initialize them at start of program - mandatory
std::streambuf const *coutbuf = std::cout.rdbuf();
std::streambuf const *cerrbuf = std::cerr.rdbuf();
std::streambuf const *clogbuf = std::clog.rdbuf();

// ignore this, just checks for TERM env var
inline bool supportsColor()
        if(const char *env_p = std::getenv("TERM")) {
            const char *const term[8] = {
                "xterm", "xterm-256", "xterm-256color", "vt100",
                "color", "answersi",      "cygwin",         "linux"};
            for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
                if(std::strcmp(env_p, term[i]) == 0) return true;
        return false;
rightTerm = supportsColor();
// would make necessary checks to ensure in terminal
inline bool isTerminal(const std::streambuf *osbuf)
        FILE *currentStream = nullptr;
        if(osbuf == coutbuf) {
            currentStream = stdout;
        else if(osbuf == cerrbuf || osbuf == clogbuf) {
            currentStream = stderr;
        else {
            return false;
        return isatty(fileno(currentStream));
// this would print checking rightTerm && isTerminal calls
inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, rang::style v)
        std::streambuf const *osbuf = os.rdbuf();
        return rightTerm && isTerminal(osbuf)
                   ? os << "e[" << static_cast<int>(v) << "m"
                   : os;



#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
void f();
bool supportsColor();
// sample enum for foreground colors
enum class fg : unsigned char {
    def     = 39,
    black   = 30,
    red     = 31,
    green   = 32,
    yellow  = 33,
    blue    = 34,
    magenta = 35,
    cyan    = 36,
    gray    = 37
// initialize them at start of program - mandatory
// so that even if user redirects, we've a copy
std::streambuf const *coutbuf = std::cout.rdbuf();
std::streambuf const *cerrbuf = std::cerr.rdbuf();
std::streambuf const *clogbuf = std::clog.rdbuf();
// check if TERM supports color
bool rightTerm = supportsColor();
// Here is the implementation of isTerminal
// which checks if program is writing to Terminal or not
bool isTerminal(const std::streambuf *osbuf)
    FILE *currentStream = nullptr;
    if(osbuf == coutbuf) {
        currentStream = stdout;
    else if(osbuf == cerrbuf || osbuf == clogbuf) {
        currentStream = stderr;
    else {
        return false;
    return isatty(fileno(currentStream));
// will check if TERM supports color and isTerminal()
inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, fg v)
    std::streambuf const *osbuf = os.rdbuf();
    return rightTerm && isTerminal(osbuf)
               ? os << "e[" << static_cast<int>(v) << "m"
               : os;

int main()
    std::cout << fg::red << "ERROR HERE! " << std::endl
              << fg::blue << "ERROR INVERSE?" << std::endl;
    std::ifstream in("in.txt");
    std::streambuf *Orig_cinbuf = std::cin.rdbuf(); // save old buf
    std::cin.rdbuf(in.rdbuf()); // redirect std::cin to in.txt!
    std::ofstream out("out.txt");
    std::streambuf *Orig_coutbuf = std::cout.rdbuf(); // save old buf
    std::cout.rdbuf(out.rdbuf()); // redirect std::cout to out.txt!
    std::string word;
    std::cin >> word;                      // input from the file in.txt
    std::cout << fg::blue << word << "  "; // output to the file out.txt
    f(); // call function
    std::cin.rdbuf(Orig_cinbuf);   // reset to standard input again
    std::cout.rdbuf(Orig_coutbuf); // reset to standard output again
    std::cin >> word;  // input from the standard input
    std::cout << word; // output to the standard input
    return 0;
void f()
    std::string line;
    while(std::getline(std::cin, line)) // input from the file in.txt
        std::cout << fg::green << line << "n"; // output to the file out.txt
bool supportsColor()
    if(const char *env_p = std::getenv("TERM")) {
        const char *const term[8] = {"xterm",  "xterm-256", "xterm-256color",
                                     "vt100",  "color",     "answersi",
                                     "cygwin", "linux"};
        for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
            if(std::strcmp(env_p, term[i]) == 0) return true;
    return false;





通常的方法是使用终端数据库,而不是硬编码。 这样做,你的方法

inline bool supportsColor()
inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, rang::style v)

将检查终端功能,例如,使用tigetnum(用于颜色数量),tigetstr(用于终端应该支持的实际转义序列)。 您可以像isatty函数一样轻松地包装它们。


  • 终端数据库接口
  • 终端数据库
  • 我的终端无法识别颜色(ncurses 常见问题解答)

要在 POSIX 上检查标准输出是否为终端,只需使用 isatty(3)

 if (isatty(STDOUT_FILENO)) {
   /// handle the stdout is terminal case

你也可以使用 /dev/tty ,参见 tty(4);例如,如果你的程序myprog是在命令管道中启动的,比如./myprog some arguments | less你仍然可以fopen("/dev/tty","w")输出到控制终端(即使 stdout 是一个管道)。

有时,程序在没有任何控制终端的情况下运行,例如通过 crontab(5) 或 at(1)