
Trouble with a Radix sort function

本文关键字:问题 函数 基数排序      更新时间:2023-10-16



void genData(int *dta, int n) 
    // generate the numbers at random
    for(int i=0; i < n; i++)
        dta[i] =  rand()%889 + 111 + 1000*(rand()%889 + 111) + 1000000*(rand()%889 + 111);

这是基数排序函数:外循环运行 3 次。每组 3 位数字一次。

int radixSort(int *dta, int n, int *out)
    // the dta array contains the data to be sorted.
    // n is the number of data items in the array
    // out is the array to put the sorted data
    node *bucket[1000]; 
    int count = 0; 
    for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)out[i] = dta[i]; 
    for (int pass = 0; pass < 3; pass++)  // outer loop
        for(int j = 0; j < 1000; j++) // set bucket[] to all zeroes (NULL) for each pass 
            bucket[j] = NULL;
        for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) // inner loop -- walks through the out array (which contains the data to be sorted)
            int index = 0; 
            int tmp = 0;
                case 0:
                    index = out[i] % 1000;
                case 1:
                    tmp = out[i]/1000; // tmp = 123456
                    index = tmp%1000; // mid = 456// set index to the middle 3 digits
                case 2:
                    tmp = out[i]/1000;  // set index to the first 3 digits
                    index = tmp/1000;
            //Create new head node if nothing is stored in location
            if(bucket[index] == NULL)           
                node *newNode = new node(0, bucket[0]); 
                node *newNode =  new node(out[i], NULL); //Created new node, stores out[i] in it
                node *temp = bucket[index];
                while(temp->next != NULL) // finds the tail of the Linked List
                    temp = temp->next;
                    count++; //For Big-O
                temp->next = newNode;   // make tail point to the new node.
            count++; //For Big-O
        } // end of the inner (i) loop
        int idx = 0; // for loading the out array
        for(int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)  // walk through the bucket
            if(bucket[i] == NULL)continue; // nothing was stored here so skip to the next item
            // something is stored here, so it is put into the out array starting at the beginning (idx)
            out[idx++] = bucket[i]->data;
            if(bucket[i]->next->next != NULL || bucket[i]->next->next)
            // now see if there are more nodes in the linked list that starts at bucket[i]. If there are, put their data into out[idx++]
                out[idx++] = bucket[i]->data;
            count++; //For Big-O

    }// end of the outer loop pass). The output (out) from this pass becomes the input for the next pass
    return count; // Again -- for Big-O 




  • 始终创建一个新节点来存储数字。
  • 始终将新节点的next指针设置为 NULL
  • bucket[index] 中找到链表的末尾。

    • 如果bucket[index]没有链表,那么您已经找到了终点。

      node *newNode = new node(out[i], NULL);
      if (bucket[index] == NULL)           
          // there was no linked list there before; start one now.
          bucket[index] = newNode; 
          // find tail of linked list and append newNode
          node *temp = bucket[index];
          while (temp->next != NULL)
              temp = temp->next;
              count++; //For Big-O
          temp->next = newNode;   // make tail point to the new node.


要从链表中获取值,您还可以从头部开始,然后按照列表直到到达尾部。 但是,当您访问列表中的每个节点时,您会得到一个值。

            if (bucket[i] == NULL)continue; // nothing was stored here so skip to the next item
            // if we reach this point there is at least one value stored here
            // get values out
            node *temp = bucket[i];
            out[idx++] = temp->data;
            while (temp->next != NULL)
                temp = temp->next;
                out[idx++] = temp->data;

但是我们可以通过do/while循环来使这个更清洁。 当您想至少做一次甚至不止一次的事情时,您会使用 do/while。 在这种情况下,如果我们运行这个循环,那是因为我们想得到至少一个数字。 所以:

            if (bucket[i] == NULL)continue; // nothing was stored here so skip to the next item
            // if we reach this point there is at least one value stored here
            // get values out
            node *temp = bucket[i];
                out[idx++] = temp->data;
                temp = temp->next;
            while (temp != NULL);

使用 do/while 循环比重复在 out 中存储值的行更干净。

循环可以处理长度 0 以外的任何长度列表,并且您已经与continue进行了检查,以处理 bucket[i] 中没有链表的情况。