
C++ can't populate data

本文关键字:数据 填充 C++      更新时间:2023-10-16

我正在尝试用x和y值填充我的向量。 但它似乎没有添加,而只是覆盖第一。


#include <iostream> 
#include "Point.h"
using namespace std;
int x,y;
Point point;
string options;
void someMethods();
int main()
    cout << "Please Enter x-Cordinate"<< endl;
    cin >> x;
    cout << "Please Enter y-Cordinate" << endl;
    cin >> y;
    cout << "Enter cords again? yes/no"<< endl;
    cin >> options;
    while (options == "yes") {
        cout << "Please Enter x-Cordinate"<< endl;
        cin >> x;
        cout << "Please Enter y-Cordinate" << endl;
        cin >> y;
        cout << "Enter cords again? yes/no"<< endl;
        cin >> options;

    if(options == "no") {
        Point Point(x,y);
       // break;


#ifndef Point_Point_h
#define Point_Point_h
#include <vector>
class Point {
      int x,y;
public : 
      Point() {
       x = 0;
       y = 0;
      } //default consrructor

      Point(int x,int y);
      int getX();
      int getY();
      void setX(int x);
      void setY(int y);
      std::vector<Point> storeData;
      void someMethods();


#include <iostream>
#include "Point.h"
using namespace std;

Point::Point(int x,int y) {
int Point::getX() {
  return x;
int Point::getY() {
  return y;
void Point::setX(int x) {
this->x = x;
void Point::setY(int y) {
this->y = y;

void Point::someMethods() {
x = getX();
y = getY();
Point Point(x,y);
   for (int i=0; i<storeData.size(); i++) {
    cout << "X "<< storeData[i].getX() <<"Y " << storeData[i].getY() << endl;
// do some methods here after getting the x and y cords;

怎样才能做到例如(我输入 x 和 y 3 次,假设 1,1 2,2 3,3 (


X: 1,Y: 1
X: 2,Y: 2
X: 3,Y: 3
int main()
    // don't need global variables, just define local ones here
    int x,y;
    Point point;
    string options;
    // You shouldn't store the vector of Points in the Point class itself.
    // It doesn't have anything to do with a Point. classes should generally
    // only contain relevant information (ex. Point contains only x and y coords).
    vector<Point> pointsVector;
    // do-while will do the contents of the loop at least once
    // it will stop when the while condition is no longer met
        cout << "Please Enter x-Cordinate"<< endl;
        cin >> x;
        cout << "Please Enter y-Cordinate" << endl;
        cin >> y;
        pointsVector.push_back(Point(x, y));
        cout << "Enter cords again? yes/no"<< endl;
        cin >> options;
    } while (options == "yes")
    // don't really need to check if options is "no"
    // if you have exited the do/while loop above, the assumption is that you don't 
    // want to enter more coordinates.
    return 0;

在函数doSomethingWithTheVectorOfPoints中,您可以放置用于输出X和Y坐标的代码。(您也可以直接循环遍历 main 函数中的向量。

此外,还可以向 Point 类添加一个名为 ToString 或 Print 的成员函数来为您完成工作。



  • 无全局变量
  • 支持流输入(输出(的点类
  • 从点类中存储的数据(为什么一个糟糕的点应该管理它?
  • 使用验证流式传输输入。


#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
struct Point {
    int x;
    int y;
std::istream& operator >> (std::istream& in, Point& point) {
    return in >> point.x >> point.y;
typedef std::vector<Point> PointStorage;
int main()
    PointStorage point_storage;
    Point point;
    while(true) {
        std::cout << "Please enter X and Y xordinates or 'no' to stop input" << std::endl;
        std::string line;
        if( ! std::getline(std::cin, line))
            throw std::invalid_argument(line);
        else {
            std::istringstream point_input(line);
            // Skip leading white spaces, read a point, skip trailing white apace
            // and ensure no additional character is left.
            if(point_input >> point >> std::ws && point_input.eof()) {
            else {
                std::string no;
                std::istringstream no_input(line);
                // Skip leading white spaces, read "no", skip trailing white apace
                // and ensure no additional character is left.
                if(no_input >> no >> std::ws && no_input.eof() && no == "no") {
                throw std::invalid_argument(line);
    for(PointStorage::const_iterator pos = point_storage.begin();
        pos != point_storage.end();
        std::cout << pos->x << ", " << pos->y << 'n';
    return 0;




Point mypt;
while (options == "yes") {
    mypt.AddCoords(x, y);
    // read more coords/options
// do stuff on filled mypt object