
Augmenting data structure without wasting memory

本文关键字:情况下 增强 数据结构 内存      更新时间:2023-10-16



template <typename T>
class Tree {
    enum class Color : char {BLACK = 0, RED = 1};
    struct Node {
        T key;
        Node *parent, *left, *right;
        Color color;
        Node() : color{Color::BLACK} {} // sentinel construction
        Node(T val, Color col = Color::RED) : key{val}, parent{nil}, left{nil}, right{nil}, color{col} {}
    using NP = typename Tree::Node*;
    NP root {nil};
    // nil sentinel
    static NP nil;
    // core utility algorithms...
template <typename T>
typename Tree<T>::NP Tree<T>::nil {new Node{}};


template <typename T>
class Order_tree : public Tree<T> {
    using Color = typename Tree<T>::Color;
    using Tree<T>::Tree;    // inherit constructors
    struct Order_node {
        T key;
        Order_node *parent, *left, *right;
        size_t size;    // # of descendent nodes including itself = left->size + right->size + 1
        Color color;
        Order_node() : size{0}, color{Color::BLACK} {}  // sentinel construction
        Order_node(T val, Color col = Color::RED) : key{val}, parent{nil}, left{nil}, right{nil}, size{1}, color{col} {}
    using NP = typename Order_tree::Order_node*;
    NP root {nil};
    static NP nil;
    // overloading on only the methods that need changing
template <typename T>
typename Order_tree<T>::NP Order_tree<T>::nil {new Order_node{}};

但是,这不能正常工作,因为现在我有 2 个根和 2 个 nil,所有基本方法都在基根上工作,并且使用 Tree<T>::NP 而不是 Order_tree::NP 因此无法使用Order_node的大小属性。

一种方法是复制粘贴代码,这是非常不可维护的。我认为另一种方法是在 T 和 NP 上模板树,以便Order_tree是别名using Order_tree = Tree<Order_node>并在节点上专门化树。

如果您真的对拥有"所有树的一般树"感兴趣,那么问题似乎不在于树,而在于 Node。你需要一些节点的特殊情况,那么为什么不也泛化它们呢?例如:

 template <typename T>
class Tree {
    struct BaseNode {
    //all code you really can generalize here 
    struct Node : public BaseNode {
    //You need Node here only if you want your base Tree class to be ready to use.
    //If you want to use only its derives such as Order_tree,
    //you create special nodes kinds only there
    // core utility algorithms...
BaseNode * root; //Only one root node, there is no need in duplication! 
                 //You can instantiate it as root = new OrderTreeNode or root = new SpecialTreeNode in any derives.

然而,Node虚函数调用的价格相当高。所以你需要清楚地理解 - 你需要泛化而不是代码重复,还是你需要性能。


  • 节点类型的模板树
  • 使 nil 成为每个节点类型的静态元素
  • 移动一些在节点上工作的私有方法,而不依赖于根目录为节点上的正常函数模板化
  • 使可能更改的功能成为虚拟功能
  • 公开增加树从中继承并覆盖必要的虚函数
  • 使用基树的根(在派生类中不保存任何数据(


namespace sal {
// utilities with no dependence on root, outside of class now
template <typename Node>
Node* tree_find(Node* start, typename Node::key_type key) {
    while (start != Node::nil && start->key != key) {
        if (key < start->key) start = start->left;
        else start = start->right;
    return start;
// more of them...
template <typename Node>
class Tree {
    using NP = Node*;
    using T = typename Node::key_type;
    // nil is static member of each Node type now
    NP root {Node::nil};
    // virtual methods that could be changed by augmentation
    virtual void rotate_left(NP node);
    virtual void rotate_right(NP node);
    virtual void tree_insert(NP start, NP node);
    virtual void rb_delete(NP node);
    // non-virtual methods that are never overridden
    void rb_insert_fixup(NP node);
    void rb_delete_fixup(NP successor);
    void rb_insert(NP node);  // just a call to tree_insert and rb_insert_fixup
    void transplant(NP old, NP moved);
    virtual ~Tree();  // does all the clean up so its derived classes don't have to
    // interface...
template <typename T>
struct Basic_node {
    static Basic_node* nil;
    using key_type = T;
    T key;
    Basic_node *parent, *left, *right;
    Color color;
    Basic_node() : color{Color::BLACK} {}   // sentinel construction
    Basic_node(T val) : key{val}, parent{nil}, left{nil}, right{nil}, color{Color::RED} {}
template <typename T>
using Basic_tree = Tree<Basic_node<T>>;
template <typename T>
Basic_node<T>* Basic_node<T>::nil {new Basic_node{}};


#include "tree.h"
namespace sal {
template <typename Node>
class Order_augment : public Tree<Node> {
    using NP = Node*;
    using T = typename Node::key_type;
    using Tree<Node>::root;
    // no need to redefine shared core functions
    using Tree<Node>::rb_insert;
    using Tree<Node>::transplant;
    using Tree<Node>::rb_insert_fixup;
    using Tree<Node>::rb_delete_fixup;
    // order statistics operations
    NP os_select(NP start, size_t rank) const;
    size_t os_rank(NP node) const;
    // modification of rb operations to maintain augmentation
    virtual void tree_insert(NP start, NP node) override;
    virtual void rb_delete(NP node) override;
    virtual void rotate_left(NP node) override;
    virtual void rotate_right(NP node) override;
    // augmented interface
template <typename T>
struct Order_node {
    static Order_node* nil;
    using key_type = T;
    T key;
    Order_node *parent, *left, *right;
    size_t size;    // # of descendent nodes including itself = left->size + right->size + 1
    Color color;
    Order_node() : size{0}, color{Color::BLACK} {}  // sentinel construction
    Order_node(T val) : key{val}, parent{nil}, left{nil}, right{nil}, size{1}, color{Color::RED} {}
template <typename T>
Order_node<T>* Order_node<T>::nil {new Order_node{}};
template <typename T>
using Order_tree = Order_augment<Order_node<T>>;

结果是,包含增强数据结构的文件大小现在大约是原来的 1/3,并且代码重复被完全删除!这意味着任何改进核心方法的更改都可以本地化为仅 tree.h,其效果也将在所有增强树中感受到。