
I Can't Figure Out Why This Loop Is Malfunctioning

本文关键字:故障 循环 为什么 我不知道      更新时间:2023-10-16

所以我就是想不出我的代码出了什么问题。 当我处理购买时,在我输入酸奶量并被告知去享用它之后,如果人们不输入 P 或 S,我会立即收到我制作的错误消息,然后它立即恢复正常,就像您第一次进入程序时一样,谁能告诉我为什么会这样? 谢谢!

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
int main()
   string userCommand;
   int creditCount = 0;
   int userInput;
   while (creditCount >= 0)
      cout << "--------Menu--------n" << "P (Process Purchase)n" << "S (Shutdown System)n"
           << "--------Menu--------n" << "Your Choice: ";
      getline(cin, userCommand);
      if (userCommand[0] == 'P' || userCommand[0] == 'p')
         if (creditCount >= 10)
            cout << "You qualify for a free yogurt, would you like to use ten of your credits (Yes or No)?";
            getline(cin, userCommand);
            if (userCommand[0] == 'Y' || userCommand[0] == 'y')
               creditCount = creditCount - 10;
               cout << "You just used 10 credits and now have " << creditCount << " left.n"
                    << "Enjoy your free yogurt!";
            else if (userCommand[0] == 'N' || userCommand[0] == 'n')
               cout << "How many yogurts would you like to buy? ";
               cin >> userInput;
               if (userInput > 0)
                  creditCount = creditCount + userInput;
                  cout << "You just earned " << userInput << " stamps.  You now have " << creditCount
                     << " credits!  Enjoy your yogurt!";
                  cout << "Invalid input, please try processing your purchase again and enter a positive "
                       << "integer.";
               cout << "*Error, please try processing your purchase again and enter either Yes or No*nn";
         else if (creditCount < 10)
            cout << "How many yogurts would you like to buy? ";
            cin >> userInput;
            if (userInput > 0)
               creditCount = creditCount + userInput;
               cout << "You just earned " << userInput << " stamps.  You now have " << creditCount
                    << " credits!  Enjoy your yogurt!nn";
               cout << "Invalid input, please try processing your purchase again and enter a positive "
                    << "integer.";
      else if (userCommand[0] == 'S' || userCommand[0] == 's')
         cout << "*Shutting down system*n";
         return 0;
         cout << "*Error, please enter either P (for Process Purchase) or S (for Shutdown System)*nn";


while(creditCount >= 0){...}

因为 creditCount 永远不会小于 0,而不是这个你可以使用

while (true){...}



cin >> userCommand;


getline(cin, userCommand);


编辑:- 对不起蟒蛇习惯..


因此,在您第一次通过循环后,它会回到顶部以阅读另一行。 获取一个空行,这将触发错误情况。

您可以通过在 getline 之后测试空行来解决此问题。