
How to keep looping until password meets condition in C++?

本文关键字:密码 满足 C++ 条件 何保持 循环      更新时间:2023-10-16


bool changePasswordintonewPW(string& oldpassword)
string newPW;
int sizeN;
int half;
int lengtholdPW;
int lengthnewPW;

    cout << "Enter a new password that must meet condition: ";
    getline(cin, newPW);

    lengthnewPW = newPW.length();
    lengtholdPW = oldpassword.length();
    if (lengthnewPW < lengtholdPW)
        sizeN = lengthnewPW;
    else if (lengtholdPW < lengthnewPW)
        sizeN = lengtholdPW;
        sizeN = lengtholdPW;
    half = sizeN / 2;
    if( ( oldpassword.size() <= 2 ) ||
        ( ( oldpassword.substr( 0, half ) != newPW.substr( 0, half ) ) &&
          ( oldpassword.substr( oldpassword.size() - half ) != newPW.substr( newPW.size() - half ) ) ) )
        return true;
            cout << "The new password cannot start or end with " << half
                 << " or more characters that are the same as the old password" << endl << endl;

} while (( oldpassword.size() <= 2 ) ||
        ( ( oldpassword.substr( 0, half ) != newPW.substr( 0, half ) ) &&
          ( oldpassword.substr( oldpassword.size() - half ) != newPW.substr( newPW.size() - half ) ) ) );

    oldpassword = newPW;
    return true;

您的 while 条件与密码为真的条件相同。 您必须在密码为真时设置它。加!到同时条件。