
how to check if the segmented plane is a real plane

本文关键字:平面 是否 分割 何检查 检查      更新时间:2023-10-16

我得到了一个平面的三个参数,但我需要确保它们定义了一个平面。是否有一种数学方法可以从参数a, b, cd来检验这个方程是否符合一个平面?


ax + by + cz = d

一个有效平面是存在一个非空的,满足上述方程的,3的固有子集。即存在一组点(xyz)∈v 3满足方程,并且在v 3中存在其他点不能满足方程。

当(a2 + b2 + c2)> 0时发生,当abc中至少有一个非零时发生。因此,您所需要做的就是检查abc中至少有一个非零。


<<p> 平面类/strong>

#ifndef PLANE_H
#define PLANE_H
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Core.h"
// General Equation Of A Plane
// --- Ax + By + Cz + D = 0 ---
class Plane {
    bool    _bOk;
    Vector3 _v3Point;
    Vector3 _v3Normal;
    inline Plane();
    inline Plane( Vector3 v3Point, Vector3 v3Normal );
    inline Plane( Vector3 v3Point1, Vector3 v3Point2, Vector3 v3Point3 );
    inline Vector3 GetNormal();
}; // Plane
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Plane()
// Constructor - Set Plane To Be Horizontal At Origin With Normal In +Y
inline Plane::Plane() {
    _v3Point  = Vector3( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
    _v3Normal = Vector3( 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f );
    _bOk = true;
} // Plane
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Plane()
// Constructor - Set Plane To Given Point And Normal
inline Plane::Plane( Vector3 v3Point, Vector3 v3Normal ) {
    _v3Point  = v3Point;
    _v3Normal = v3Normal;
    if ( v3Normal.IsZero() ) {
        _bOk = false;
    _bOk = true;
} // Plane
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Plane()
// Constructor - Define A Plane Given Three Points
inline Plane::Plane( Vector3 v3Point1, Vector3 v3Point2, Vector3 v3Point3) {
    _v3Point = v3Point1;
    // Get Two Vectors From The Given Points
    Vector3 v3Vector1;
    Vector3 v3Vector2;
    v3Vector1 = v3Point3 - v3Point2;
    v3Vector2 = v3Point1 - v3Point2;
    // Get Normal By Crossing The Two Vectors
    _v3Normal = v3Vector1.Cross( v3Vector2 );
    if ( _v3Normal.IsZero() ) {
        _bOk = false;
    _bOk = true;
} // Plane
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// GetNormal()
// Return The Normal To The Plane
inline Vector3 Plane::GetNormal() {
    return _v3Normal;
} // Plane
#endif // PLANE_H