
How to unpack empty variadic template list

本文关键字:列表 解压缩      更新时间:2023-10-16




#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>
class A {};
class B : public A {};
class C {};
class D : public C {};
// Forward declaration
template <typename T1, typename T2, typename... Args>
struct are_convertible;
// There are no Args
template <>
struct are_convertible<> {
    static const bool value = true;
// Check if the first two elements are convertible then recurse on the rest
template <typename T1, typename T2, typename... Args>
struct are_convertible {
    static const bool value = std::is_convertible<T1, T2>::value && are_convertible<Args...>::value;
int main() {
    std::cout << std::boolalpha;
    std::cout << "Are convertible A->B and C->D: " << are_convertible<A, B, C, D>::value << std::endl; // Should be false

我目前收到一个状态为'are_convertible' is not a class template的错误,所以我尝试转发声明它,这导致了以下错误:





template<typename... Args>
struct are_convertible;


template <typename T1, typename T2, typename... Args>
struct are_convertible<T1, T2, Args...> {


class A {};
class B : public A {};
class C {};
class D : public C {};
template<typename... Args>
struct are_convertible;
// There are no Args
template <>
struct are_convertible<> {
    static const bool value = true;
// Check if the first two elements are convertible then recurse on the rest
template <typename T1, typename T2, typename... Args>
struct are_convertible<T1, T2, Args...> {
    static const bool value = std::is_convertible<T1, T2>::value && are_convertible<Args...>::value;
int main() {
    std::cout << std::boolalpha;
    std::cout << "Are convertible A->B and C->D: " << are_convertible<A, B, C, D>::value << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Are convertible B->A and D->C: " << are_convertible<B, A, D, C>::value << std::endl;


您的专业化是错误的。CCD_ 6和CCD_。部分专用于T1T2,这意味着没有为Args...留下其他参数。以下代码:

#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>
class A {};
class B : public A {};
class C {};
class D : public C {};

// Forward declaration
template <typename T1, typename T2, typename... Args>
struct are_convertible;
// There are no Args
template <typename T1, typename T2>
struct are_convertible<T1, T2> {
    static const bool value = std::is_convertible<T1, T2>::value;
// Check if the first two elements are convertible then recurse on the rest
template <typename T1, typename T2, typename... Args>
struct are_convertible {
    static const bool value = std::is_convertible<T1, T2>::value && are_convertible<Args...>::value;
int main() {
    std::cout << std::boolalpha;
    std::cout << "Are convertible A->B and C->D: " << are_convertible<A, B, C, D>::value << std::endl; // Should be false
