
How to pass a constant pointer to a method in a class

本文关键字:方法 常量 指针      更新时间:2023-10-16


Node::Node(int item,  Node const * next)
    this->item = item;
    this->next = next;

当我编译时,它给出了一个编译错误:从"const Node*"到"Node*"的转换无效




class Node
    const Node *next;


Node *ptr;  // Non-constant pointer to non-constant data
Node *const ptr;  // Constant pointer to non-constant data
const Node *ptr;  // Non-constant pointer to constant data
Node const *ptr;  // Same as above
const Node *const ptr;  // Constant pointer to constant data
Node const *const ptr;  // Same as above

注意,const Node与上一级的Node const相同,但const相对于指针声明("*")的位置非常重要。


是的。使用代码中显示的Node const*(或const Node*)。


  1. Node::Node()应该接收一个非常数指针,以便可以分配给this->next
  2. 更改设计并将Node::next声明为Node const*
  3. Typecast,this->next = const_cast<Node*>(next);


It also works with pointers but one has to be careful where ‘const’ is put as that determines whether the pointer or what it points to is constant. For example,
    const int * Constant2
declares that Constant2 is a variable pointer to a constant integer and
    int const * Constant2
is an alternative syntax which does the same, whereas
    int * const Constant3
declares that Constant3 is constant pointer to a variable integer and
    int const * const Constant4
declares that Constant4 is constant pointer to a constant integer. Basically ‘const’ applies to whatever is on its immediate left (other than if there is nothing there in which case it applies to whatever is its immediate right).
