
Getting y from x co-ord for cubic bezier curve, fast Newton-Raphson method

本文关键字:坐标 方法 Newton-Raphson 快速 曲线 三次      更新时间:2023-10-16


  • P0=(0,0),P3=(1,1)
  • P1=(t,1-t),对于0,1之间的t
  • P2=1-P1(x和y)




 * Parameters: p - x co-ord of P1, 
 *             x - x we want to find y for
 * This method is unstable for p ~= 0.5, maybe needs refinement.
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
#define ITER_TOL  0.00001
float maths::bezier(float p, float x)
    if(p < 0.f || p > 1.f || x < 0.f || x > 1.f)
        std::cerr << "Both parameters must be between 0 and 1, returning dummy value" << std::endl;
        return 0.f;
    //First guess for u
    float u = x;
    //Coefficients of curve (for x and y co-ord)
    float x3 = 6 * p - 2;
    float x2 = 3 - 9 * p;
    float x1 = 3 * p;
    float x0 = -x;
    float y3 = 6 * (1-p) - 2;
    float y2 = 3 - 9 * (1-p);
    float y1 = 3 * (1-p);
    //Newton-Raphson refinement
    for(int i=0; fabs(x3*u*u*u + x2*u*u + x1*u + x0) > ITER_TOL && i<1000; i++)
        u = u - (x3*u*u*u + x2*u*u + x1*u + x0) /
                (3*x3*u*u + 2*x2*u + x1);
        //std::cout << i << ": " << u << std::endl;
        //Deal with non-convergence
            std::cerr << "Warning, Newton-Raphson method did not converge in Maths.cpp, returning dummy" << std::endl;
            return 0.f;
    //Calculate y co-ord
    return y3*u*u*u + y2*u*u + y1*u;

