Billboarding C++

Billboarding C++

本文关键字:C++ Billboarding      更新时间:2023-10-16



#include "pch.h"
#include <Kore/Application.h>
#include <Kore/IO/FileReader.h>
#include <Kore/Math/Core.h>
#include <Kore/Math/Random.h>
#include <Kore/System.h>
#include <Kore/Input/Keyboard.h>
#include <Kore/Input/Mouse.h>
#include <Kore/Audio/Mixer.h>
#include <Kore/Graphics/Image.h>
#include <Kore/Graphics/Graphics.h>
#include <Kore/Log.h>
#include "ObjLoader.h"
#include "Collision.h"
#include "PhysicsWorld.h"
#include "PhysicsObject.h"
using namespace Kore;
// A simple particle implementation
class Particle {
    VertexBuffer* vb;
    IndexBuffer* ib;
    mat4 M;
    // The current position
    vec3 position;
    // The current velocity
    vec3 velocity;
    // The remaining time to live
    float timeToLive;
    // The total time time to live
    float totalTimeToLive;
    // Is the particle dead (= ready to be re-spawned?)
    bool dead;

    void init(const VertexStructure& structure) {
        vb = new VertexBuffer(4, structure,0);
        float* vertices = vb->lock();
        SetVertex(vertices, 0, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0);
        SetVertex(vertices, 1, -1, 1, 0, 0, 1);
        SetVertex(vertices, 2, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1); 
        SetVertex(vertices, 3, 1, -1, 0, 1, 0); 
        // Set index buffer
        ib = new IndexBuffer(6);
        int* indices = ib->lock();
        indices[0] = 0;
        indices[1] = 1;
        indices[2] = 2;
        indices[3] = 0;
        indices[4] = 2;
        indices[5] = 3;
        dead = true;

    void Emit(vec3 pos, vec3 velocity, float timeToLive) {
        position = pos;
        this->velocity = velocity;
        dead = false;
        this->timeToLive = timeToLive;
        totalTimeToLive = timeToLive;
    Particle() {

    void SetVertex(float* vertices, int index, float x, float y, float z, float u, float v) {
        vertices[index* 8 + 0] = x;
        vertices[index*8 + 1] = y;
        vertices[index*8 + 2] = z;
        vertices[index*8 + 3] = u;
        vertices[index*8 + 4] = v;
        vertices[index*8 + 5] = 0.0f;
        vertices[index*8 + 6] = 0.0f;
        vertices[index*8 + 7] = -1.0f;
    void render(TextureUnit tex, Texture* image) {
        Graphics::setTexture(tex, image);
    void Integrate(float deltaTime) {
        timeToLive -= deltaTime;
        if (timeToLive < 0.0f) {
            dead = true;
        // Note: We are using no forces or gravity at the moment.
        position += velocity * deltaTime;
        // Build the matrix
        M = mat4::Translation(position.x(), position.y(), position.z()) * mat4::Scale(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f);


class ParticleSystem {
    // The center of the particle system
    vec3 position;
    // The minimum coordinates of the emitter box
    vec3 emitMin;
    // The maximal coordinates of the emitter box
    vec3 emitMax;
    // The list of particles
    Particle* particles;
    // The number of particles
    int numParticles;
    // The spawn rate
    float spawnRate;
    // When should the next particle be spawned?
    float nextSpawn;
    ParticleSystem(int maxParticles, const VertexStructure& structure ) {
        particles = new Particle[maxParticles];
        numParticles = maxParticles;
        for (int i = 0; i < maxParticles; i++) {
        spawnRate = 0.05f;
        nextSpawn = spawnRate;
        position = vec3(0.5f, 1.3f, 0.5f);
        float b = 0.1f;
        emitMin = position + vec3(-b, -b, -b);
        emitMax = position + vec3(b, b, b);

    void update(float deltaTime) {
        // Do we need to spawn a particle?
        nextSpawn -= deltaTime;
        bool spawnParticle = false;
        if (nextSpawn < 0) {
            spawnParticle = true;
            nextSpawn = spawnRate;

        for (int i = 0; i < numParticles; i++) {
            if (particles[i].dead) {
                if (spawnParticle) {
                    spawnParticle = false;
    void render(TextureUnit tex, Texture* image, ConstantLocation mLocation, mat4 V) {
        Graphics::setBlendingMode(BlendingOperation::SourceAlpha, BlendingOperation::InverseSourceAlpha);
        Graphics::setRenderState(RenderState::DepthWrite, false);

        /* Exercise 7 1.1                                                       */
        /* Change the matrix V in such a way that the billboards are oriented towards the camera */

        /* Exercise 7 1.2                                                       */
        /* Animate using at least one new control parameter */      
        for (int i = 0; i < numParticles; i++) {
            // Skip dead particles
            if (particles[i].dead) continue;
            Graphics::setMatrix(mLocation, particles[i].M * V);
            particles[i].render(tex, image);
        Graphics::setRenderState(RenderState::DepthWrite, true);
    float getRandom(float minValue, float maxValue) {
        int randMax = 1000000;
        int randInt = Random::get(0, randMax);
        float r =  (float) randInt / (float) randMax;
        return minValue + r * (maxValue - minValue);
    void EmitParticle(int index) {
        // Calculate a random position inside the box
        float x = getRandom(emitMin.x(), emitMax.x());
        float y = getRandom(emitMin.y(), emitMax.y());
        float z = getRandom(emitMin.z(), emitMax.z());
        vec3 pos;
        pos.set(x, y, z);
        vec3 velocity(0, 0.3f, 0);
        particles[index].Emit(pos, velocity, 3.0f);


namespace {
    const int width = 1024;
    const int height = 768;
    double startTime;
    Shader* vertexShader;
    Shader* fragmentShader;
    Program* program;
    float angle = 0.0f;
    // null terminated array of MeshObject pointers
    MeshObject* objects[] = { nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr };
    // null terminated array of PhysicsObject pointers
    PhysicsObject* physicsObjects[] = { nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr };

    // The view projection matrix aka the camera
    mat4 P;
    mat4 View;
    mat4 PV;
    vec3 cameraPosition;
    MeshObject* sphere;
    PhysicsObject* po;
    PhysicsWorld physics;

    // uniform locations - add more as you see fit
    TextureUnit tex;
    ConstantLocation pvLocation;
    ConstantLocation mLocation;
    ConstantLocation tintLocation;
    Texture* particleImage;
    ParticleSystem* particleSystem;
    double lastTime;
    void update() {
        double t = System::time() - startTime;
        double deltaT = t - lastTime;
        //Kore::log(Info, "%fn", deltaT);
        lastTime = t;
        Graphics::clear(Graphics::ClearColorFlag | Graphics::ClearDepthFlag, 0xff9999FF, 1000.0f);
        Graphics::setFloat4(tintLocation, vec4(1, 1, 1, 1));

        angle += 0.3f * deltaT;
        float x = 0 + 3 * Kore::cos(angle);
        float z = 0 + 3 * Kore::sin(angle);
        cameraPosition.set(x, 2, z);
        //PV = mat4::Perspective(60, (float)width / (float)height, 0.1f, 100) * mat4::lookAt(vec3(0, 2, -3), vec3(0, 2, 0), vec3(0, 1, 0));
        P = mat4::Perspective(60, (float)width / (float)height, 0.1f, 100);
        View = mat4::lookAt(vec3(x, 2, z), vec3(0, 2, 0), vec3(0, 1, 0));
        PV = P * View;

        Graphics::setMatrix(pvLocation, PV);

        // iterate the MeshObjects
        MeshObject** current = &objects[0];
        while (*current != nullptr) {
            // set the model matrix
            Graphics::setMatrix(mLocation, (*current)->M);

        // Update the physics
        PhysicsObject** currentP = &physics.physicsObjects[0];
        while (*currentP != nullptr) {
            Graphics::setMatrix(mLocation, (*currentP)->Mesh->M);

        particleSystem->render(tex, particleImage, mLocation, View);

    void SpawnSphere(vec3 Position, vec3 Velocity) {
        PhysicsObject* po = new PhysicsObject();
        po->Velocity = Velocity;
        po->Collider.radius = 0.2f;
        po->Mass = 5;
        po->Mesh = sphere;
        // The impulse should carry the object forward
        // Use the inverse of the view matrix
    void keyDown(KeyCode code, wchar_t character) {
        if (code == Key_Space) {
            // The impulse should carry the object forward
            // Use the inverse of the view matrix
            vec4 impulse(0, 0.4, 2, 0);
            mat4 viewI = View;
            impulse = viewI * impulse;
            vec3 impulse3(impulse.x(), impulse.y(), impulse.z());

            SpawnSphere(cameraPosition + impulse3 *0.2f, impulse3);
    void keyUp(KeyCode code, wchar_t character) {
        if (code == Key_Left) {
            // ...
    void mouseMove(int x, int y, int movementX, int movementY) {
    void mousePress(int button, int x, int y) {

    void mouseRelease(int button, int x, int y) {
    void init() {
        FileReader vs("shader.vert");
        FileReader fs("shader.frag");
        vertexShader = new Shader(vs.readAll(), vs.size(), VertexShader);
        fragmentShader = new Shader(fs.readAll(), fs.size(), FragmentShader);
        // This defines the structure of your Vertex Buffer
        VertexStructure structure;
        structure.add("pos", Float3VertexData);
        structure.add("tex", Float2VertexData);
        structure.add("nor", Float3VertexData);
        program = new Program;
        tex = program->getTextureUnit("tex");
        pvLocation = program->getConstantLocation("PV");
        mLocation = program->getConstantLocation("M");
        tintLocation = program->getConstantLocation("tint");
        objects[0] = new MeshObject("Base.obj", "Level/basicTiles6x6.png", structure);
        objects[0]->M = mat4::Translation(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
        sphere = new MeshObject("ball_at_origin.obj", "Level/unshaded.png", structure);
        SpawnSphere(vec3(0, 2, 0), vec3(0, 0, 0));

        Graphics::setRenderState(DepthTest, true);
        Graphics::setRenderState(DepthTestCompare, ZCompareLess);
        Graphics::setTextureAddressing(tex, U, Repeat);
        Graphics::setTextureAddressing(tex, V, Repeat);
        particleImage = new Texture("SuperParticle.png", true);
        particleSystem = new ParticleSystem(100, structure);

int kore(int argc, char** argv) {
    Application* app = new Application(argc, argv, width, height, 0, false, "Exercise7");
    startTime = System::time();
    lastTime = 0.0f;

    Keyboard::the()->KeyDown = keyDown;
    Keyboard::the()->KeyUp = keyUp;
    Mouse::the()->Move = mouseMove;
    Mouse::the()->Press = mousePress;
    Mouse::the()->Release = mouseRelease;
    delete app;
    return 0;



我为这些愚蠢的问题感到抱歉,这本应该是一门初学者的课,但实际上根本不是。当涉及到编程部分时,讲义没有太大帮助,我只找到了OpenGL、Unity或Direct X的教程,以及没有使用任何教程的地方。






particleSystem->render(tex, particleImage, mLocation, View);

已经将CCD_ 3传递到CCD_。

void render(TextureUnit tex, Texture* image, ConstantLocation mLocation, mat4 V)

这意味着在这种情况下,mat4 v是您的相机视图。
