
squeeze table: same row overlap together, and count the number

本文关键字:在一起 重叠 一行 挤表      更新时间:2023-10-16


1 a b c
1 a b c
1 c d e
1 b c d
1 b c d

2 a b c
1 c d e
2 b c d


suppose t1 is original one;
initial another t2;
row_num = 1;
copy first row of t1 to t2;
foreach row in t1 (1 to n)
    search each row in t2 (0 to row_num);
        if equal, then add the number;
    if not found, then copy current t1's row to t2;



这是O(N log N)复杂度的一个工作示例。它首先对数据进行排序,然后循环遍历每个元素,并通过查找第一个不匹配来计算出现的次数,然后将当前元素的计数总和存储在结果向量中。注意,在初始数组中也可以有不同于1的计数。该代码无需指定特定的比较函数就可以工作,因为std::array已经有了字典表operator<

下面的代码使用了c++ 11的特性(auto, lambda),这些特性可能在你的编译器上不起作用。您也可以使用初始化列表在一条语句中初始化vector,但是对于int和array对的嵌套vector,我有点困惑需要写多少大括号:-)

#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <iostream>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
typedef std::pair<int, std::array<char, 3> > Element;
std::vector< Element > v;
std::vector< Element > result;
int main()
        v.push_back( Element(1, std::array<char, 3>{{'a', 'b', 'c'}}) );
        v.push_back( Element(2, std::array<char, 3>{{'a', 'b', 'c'}}) );
        v.push_back( Element(1, std::array<char, 3>{{'c', 'd', 'e'}}) );
        v.push_back( Element(1, std::array<char, 3>{{'b', 'c', 'd'}}) );
        v.push_back( Element(3, std::array<char, 3>{{'b', 'c', 'd'}}) );
        // O(N log(N) ) complexity
        std::sort(v.begin(), v.end(), [](Element const& e1, Element const& e2){
                // compare the array part of the pair<int, array>
                return e1.second < e2.second; 
        // O(N) complexity
        for (auto it = v.begin(); it != v.end();) {
                // find next element
                auto last = std::find_if(it, v.end(), [=](Element const& elem){
                        return it->second != elem.second;     
                // accumulate the counts
                auto count = std::accumulate(it, last, 0, [](int sub, Element const& elem) {
                    return sub + elem.first;
                // store count in result
                result.push_back( Element(count, it->second) );                  
                it = last;
        for (auto it = result.begin(); it != result.end(); ++it) {
                std::cout << it->first << " ";
                for (std::size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
                        std::cout << it->second[i] << " ";
                std::cout << "n";


注意:在排序元素上的循环可能看起来像O(N^2)(线性std::find_if嵌套在线性for中),但它是O(N),因为最后一个循环语句it = last跳过了已经搜索的元素。