
Can't Find a solution

本文关键字:解决方案 找不到      更新时间:2023-10-16


#include <iostream> 
#include <fstream> // For file I/O 
using namespace std;
int main()
float amt1; // # of gallons for fillup 1 
float amt2; // # of gallons for fillup 2 
float amt3; // # of gallons for fillup 3 
float amt4; // # of gallons for fillup 4 
float startMiles; // Starting mileage 
float endMiles; // Ending mileage 
float mpg; // Computed miles per gallon 
ifstream inMPG; // Holds gallon amts & mileages. Input 
ofstream outMPG; // Holds miles per gall. Output 
                 // Open the files 
if (inMPG.fail())
    cout << "can't find inmpg.txt" << endl;
    return 0;
if (outMPG.fail())
    cout << "can't create/ open outmpg.txt" << endl;
    return 0;
// Get data (priming read) 
cout << "Reading from file" << endl;
inMPG >> amt1 >> amt2 >> amt3 >> amt4 >> startMiles >> endMiles;
while (!inMPG.eof())
    // Compute miles per gallon 
    mpg = (endMiles - startMiles) / (amt1 + amt2 + amt3 + amt4);
    // Output results 
    cout << "wrote to file outmpg.txt" << endl;
    outMPG << "For the gallon amounts" << endl;
    outMPG << amt1 << ' ' << amt2 << ' ' << amt3 << ' ' << amt4 << endl;
    outMPG << "and a starting mileage of " << startMiles << endl;
    outMPG << "and an ending mileage of " << endMiles << endl;
    outMPG << "the mileage per gallon is " << mpg << endl;
    cout << "n Reading the next set of data" << endl;
    inMPG >> amt1 >> amt2 >> amt3 >> amt4 >> startMiles >> endMiles;
return 0;






#include <iostream>
#include <fstream> // For file I/O
using namespace std;
int main()
    float amt1; // # of gallons for fillup 1
    float amt2; // # of gallons for fillup 2
    float amt3; // # of gallons for fillup 3
    float amt4; // # of gallons for fillup 4
    float startMiles; // Starting mileage
    float endMiles; // Ending mileage
    float mpg; // Computed miles per gallon
    ifstream inMPG; // Holds gallon amts & mileages. Input
    ofstream outMPG; // Holds miles per gall. Output
    // Open the files
    if (inMPG.fail())
        cout << "can't find inmpg.txt" << endl;
        return 0;
    if (outMPG.fail())
        cout << "can't create/ open outmpg.txt" << endl;
        return 0;
    while(inMPG.peek() != EOF)
        cout << "Reading the next set of data" << endl;
        inMPG >> amt1 >> amt2 >> amt3 >> amt4 >> startMiles >> endMiles;
        // Compute miles per gallon
        mpg = (endMiles - startMiles) / (amt1 + amt2 + amt3 + amt4);
        // Output results
        cout << "wrote to file outmpg.txt" << endl;
        outMPG << "For the gallon amounts" << endl;
        outMPG << amt1 << ' ' << amt2 << ' ' << amt3 << ' ' << amt4 << endl;
        outMPG << "and a starting mileage of " << startMiles << endl;
        outMPG << "and an ending mileage of " << endMiles << endl;
        outMPG << "the mileage per gallon is " << mpg << endl;
    return 0;


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