
Associative Set Cache Underestimating Hit Rate

本文关键字:命中率 缓存 关联      更新时间:2023-10-16





int setAssoc(int associativity, vector<pair<unsigned long long, int>>& memAccess){
  int blockNum, setNum;
  int hitRate = 0;
  int numOfSets = 16384 / (associativity * 32);
  int cache [numOfSets][associativity];//used to store blocks
  int age [numOfSets][associativity];//used to store ages
  int maxAge = 0;
  int hit;//use this to signal a hit in the cache
  //set up cache here
  for(int i = 0; i < numOfSets; i++){
    for(int j = 0; j < associativity; j++){
      cache[i][j] = -1;//initialize all blocks to -1
      age[i][j] = 0;//initialize all ages to 0

    }//end for int j
  }//end for int i

  for(int i = 0; i < memAccess.size(); i++){
    blockNum = int ((memAccess[i].first) / 32);
    setNum = blockNum % numOfSets;
    hit = 0;
    for(int j = 0; j < associativity; j++){
        age[setNum][j]++;//age each entry in the cache
        if(cache[setNum][j] == blockNum){
            hitRate++;//increment hitRate if block is in cache
            age[setNum][j] = 0;//reset age of block since it was just accessed
            hit = 1;
        }//end if
    }//end for int j
        for(int j = 0; j < associativity; j++){
            //loop to find the least recently used block
            if(age[setNum][j] > maxAge){
                maxAge = j;
            }//end if
        }//end for int j        
        cache[setNum][maxAge] = blockNum;
        age[setNum][maxAge] = 0;

  }//end for int i
  return hitRate;
}//end setAssoc function

不确定这是否是这段代码中唯一的问题,但您似乎混淆了年龄和路号。通过分配maxAge = j,您可以在年龄变量中放入任意的路号(这将干扰LRU路的查找)。然后将其用作方式索引。


    for(int j = 0; j < associativity; j++){
        //loop to find the least recently used block
        if(age[setNum][j] > maxAge){
            maxAgeWay = j;
            maxAge = age[setNum][j];
        }//end if
    }//end for int j        
    cache[setNum][maxAgeWay] = blockNum;
    age[setNum][maxAgeWay] = 0;
