
C++ | An array, switch statement? Need some guidance

本文关键字:数组 switch 语句 C++      更新时间:2023-10-16



#include <iostream>
#include <ostream>
#include "stdafx.h"
using namespace std;
// start the program
int main() {
    // int student1, student2, student3;     //the (3) students -- NOT EVEN SURE
    // I NEED THIS
    int all_students; // number of students
    double grade1, grade2, grade3; // the (3) grade variable declarations
    double grade_total; // holds the sum of all grades
    double grade_avg; // holds the average of the sum of grades
    cout << "Enter the number of students in the class: "; // number of students
                                                           // request
    cin >> all_students;
    all_students = 1; // initialize counter for the loop
    // need to create a loop for all three students and input for 3
    // grades/student
    while (all_students <= 3) // start the loop for the students
        cout << "nnPlease enter (3) numeric grades for student "
             << all_students << ":"; // enters the 3 grades for student
        cin >> grade1 >> grade2 >>
            grade3; // the grades are stored in these 3 variables
        grade_total = grade1 + grade2 +
                      grade3; // sum is the 3 sets of graders added together
        grade_avg = grade_total / 3; // avg. is the sum divided by 3
        // displays the output for the student grades, grade average, and letter
        // grade
        cout << "Student " << all_students << " grades are n" << grade1 << "n"
             << grade2 << "n" << grade3 << "n"
             << "with an average of: " << grade_avg
             << ", which is letter grade: "; // need this line to also read the
                                             // letter grade for the average
                                             // grade
        if (grade_avg >= 90) // 90+ gets an A
            cout << "A";
        else if (grade_avg >= 80) // 80-89 gets a B
            cout << "B";
        else if (grade_avg >= 70) // 70-79 gets a C
            cout << "C";
        else if (grade_avg >= 60) // 60-69 gets a D
            cout << "D";
        else // anything less than a 60% is an F
            cout << "F";
        // increases counter!  Incrementer.
        all_students++; // Yes, I want to increment the count after the loop.
        //      I need to figure out how to create an array to hold       //
        //      each student average in order to calculate the overall    //
        //      class average.  Or use a switch statement?  Advice?       //




float classAvg = 0;
const unit NUM_STUDENTS = 3;
while (all_students <= NUM_STUDENTS)       //start the loop for the students
  classAvg += grade_avg;
classAvg /= NUM_STUDENTS
cout<<"Class average is " << classAvg;


void displayLetterGrade(float grade)
       if (grade >= 90) // 90+ gets an A
            cout << "A";
        else if (grade >= 80) // 80-89 gets a B
            cout << "B";
        else if (grade >= 70) // 70-79 gets a C
            cout << "C";
        else if (grade >= 60) // 60-69 gets a D
            cout << "D";
        else // anything less than a 60% is an F
            cout << "F";